英日字典: 巡回
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- circuit, tour
- 巡覧, 巡歴, 回遊, ツアー, 行脚, 巡遊, 遊歴, 漫遊, 周遊旅行, 周遊, 巡回
- a journey or route all the way around a particular place or area; "they took an extended tour of Europe"; "we took a quick circuit of the park"; "a ten-day coach circuit of the island"
- 特定の場所また領域周辺の全ての旅またはルート
- daily round, round
- 一巡, 巡回
- the usual activities in your day; "the doctor made his rounds"
- 一日の決まった活動
- round
- 見回, 巡回
- (often plural) a series of professional calls (usually in a set order); "the doctor goes on his rounds first thing every morning"; "the postman's rounds"; "we enjoyed our round of the local bars"
- 職業上の訪問を(通常決まった順番で)続けて行うこと
- circle, round
- 円, サークル, 円形, 丸型, 円型, 循環, 丸形, 輪, 丸, 巡回
- any circular or rotating mechanism; "the machine punched out metal circles"
- 循環機構あるいは回転機構のいずれか
- beat, round
- 回路, 巡回
- a regular route for a sentry or policeman; "in the old days a policeman walked a beat and knew all his people by name"
- 衛兵または警官の普通のルート
- patrol
- 巡警, 見廻, 巡邏, 巡視, 警邏, パトロール, 見まわり, 見巡り, 見回り, パトロウル, 見巡, 見廻り, 哨戒, 警ら, 見回, 巡検, 巡回
- the activity of going around or through an area at regular intervals for security purposes
- 安全のために、ある地域を一定の間隔で見まわる行動
- patrol, police
- 巡警, 見巡る, 巡視, 廻る, 見廻る, 警邏, パトロール, パトロウル, 哨戒, 警ら, 回る, 見回る, 見まわる, 巡回
- maintain the security of by carrying out a patrol
- パトロールを行うことにより安全を維持する
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