英日字典: 廻る
15 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- rotate
- 廻る, 回る, 回す
- perform a job or duty on a rotating basis; "Interns have to rotate for a few months"
- 交代制で仕事または任務を果たす
- spin, whirl, reel, gyrate, spin around
- 回転, スピン, 転回, 廻る, 眩く, 廻転, 回る, 円転, くるくる
- revolve quickly and repeatedly around one's own axis; "The dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy"
- ある軸の周りを早く何度も回転する
- revolve, rotate, go around
- 回転, 転回, 廻旋, 廻る, 旋回, 周回, 回旋, ローリング, 旋廻, 廻転, 回る, 輪転, 旋転, 巡る, 円転
- turn on or around an axis or a center; "The Earth revolves around the Sun"; "The lamb roast rotates on a spit over the fire"
- 軸または中心で、あるいは軸または中心の周りで回転する
- environ, surround, skirt, border, ring
- 囲み込む, 囲みこむ, 廻る, 囲う, 取りまく, とり囲む, 裹む, 巻く, とり巻く, 包む, 囲にょう, 取り巻く, 囲む, 回る, 捲く, 囲繞, 取りかこむ, 取巻く, 包囲, 押っ取りまく, 巡る, 取り囲む, 取囲む
- extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle; "The forest surrounds my property"
- 同時に四方に広げる
- patrol, police
- 巡警, 見巡る, 巡視, 廻る, 見廻る, 警邏, パトロール, パトロウル, 哨戒, 警ら, 回る, 見回る, 見まわる, 巡回
- maintain the security of by carrying out a patrol
- パトロールを行うことにより安全を維持する
- circle
- 廻る, 回る
- travel around something; "circle the globe"
- 何かの周りを旅行する
- round
- 一周, 廻る, 回る
- wind around; move along a circular course; "round the bend"
- 周囲を回る
- hold in, enclose, confine
- 廻る, 囲う, 取りまく, とり囲む, 包む, 取り巻く, 囲む, 囲繞, 取りかこむ, 取巻く, 巡る, 取り囲む
- close in; darkness enclosed him"
- 閉じ込める
- coil, gyrate, spiral
- 廻る, 廻転, 回る
- to wind or move in a spiral course; "the muscles and nerves of his fine drawn body were coiling for action"; "black smoke coiling up into the sky"; "the young people gyrated on the dance floor"
- らせんのように巻くまたは動く
- turn, sour, work, ferment
- 廻る, 繰る, 転じる, 捻る, 熟成, 折れる, 回る, 回す
- go sour or spoil; "The milk has soured"; "The wine worked"; "The cream has turned--we have to throw it out"
- 酸っぱくなるまたはダメになる
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