英日字典: 必ず
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- unquestionably, definitely, in spades, decidedly, by all odds, emphatically
- 聢と, 疑いなく, 正に, 必ずや, 定めし, 必定, きっと, ぜひ, かならず, 誓って, 確かに, 必ず, 正しく, 明確, まさしく, 是非, 確と, 断じて
- without question and beyond doubt; "it was decidedly too expensive"; "she told him off in spades"; "by all odds they should win"
- 確かにそして紛れもなく
- necessarily
- 必ず, 必然的, 勢
- as a highly likely consequence; "we are necessarily bound for federalism in Europe"
- 非常にありそうな結果として
- sure as shooting, sure enough, for certain, sure, certainly, surely, for sure
- 急度, 必ずや, 定めし, 慥かに, きっと, いかさま, かならず, 相違なく, 誓って, 定めて, 確かに, 必ず, 確実, さだめて, 屹度, 断じて, 確か
- definitely or positively (`sure' is sometimes used informally for `surely'); "the results are surely encouraging"; "she certainly is a hard worker"; "it's going to be a good day for sure"; "they are coming, for certain"; "they thought he had been killed sure enough"; "he'll win sure as shooting"; "they sure smell good"; "sure he'll come"
- 確実にまたは明確に
- constantly, always, invariably
- 明暮, 一定, 極まって, つねづね, 常々, いつも, 始終, 明け暮れ, 年中, いつでも, 何時も, きまって, 決まって, 常に, 決って, 日夕, 何時でも, 変わり無く, 四六時中, 絶えず, 朝夕, 必ず, 年がら年じゅう, つねに, 毎毎, 常常, 間断なく, 年がら年百, たえず, しょっちゅう, 年百年中, 毎々, 極って, 変わりなく, 年がら年中, 常住坐臥
- without variation or change, in every case; "constantly kind and gracious"; "he always arrives on time"
- いずれの場合にも変化または変更のない
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