英日字典: 拘置
6 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- imprisonment
- 投獄, 勾留, 収監, 拘置, 幽囚, 禁固, 禁錮, 営倉, 禁獄, 縲絏, 留置, 縲紲, 拘留, 禁牢
- putting someone in prison or in jail as lawful punishment
- 法的な処罰として人を監獄に入れること
- detention, detainment, custody, hold
- 留置き, 拘禁, 勾留, 拘置, 検束, 身柄拘束, 留置, 抑留, 留め置き, 拘留
- a state of being confined (usually for a short time); "his detention was politically motivated"; "the prisoner is on hold"; "he is in the custody of police"
- 監禁されていること(通常、短期間)
- remand, put away, jail, incarcerate, put behind bars, lag, immure, gaol, jug, imprison
- 投獄, 拘禁, ぶち込む, 収監, 拘置, 禁固, 禁錮, 押込める, 監禁, 幽する, 押し込める, 押しこめる, 幽閉, 閉じ込める
- lock up or confine, in or as in a jail; "The suspects were imprisoned without trial"; "the murderer was incarcerated for the rest of his life"
- 閉じ込める、あるいは監禁する、刑務所のように
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