英日字典: 押込める
4 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- remand, put away, jail, incarcerate, put behind bars, lag, immure, gaol, jug, imprison
- 投獄, 拘禁, ぶち込む, 収監, 拘置, 禁固, 禁錮, 押込める, 監禁, 幽する, 押し込める, 押しこめる, 幽閉, 閉じ込める
- lock up or confine, in or as in a jail; "The suspects were imprisoned without trial"; "the murderer was incarcerated for the rest of his life"
- 閉じ込める、あるいは監禁する、刑務所のように
- detain, confine
- 取り篭める, 閉じこめる, 拘禁, とり篭める, 禁固, 押込める, 拘束, 閉込める, 取籠める, 監禁, 抑留, 取篭める, 幽する, 取りこめる, 押し込める, 押しこめる, 禁足, 幽閉, 取り籠める, 閉じ込める
- deprive of freedom; take into confinement
- 自由を奪う
- jampack, jam, chock up, cram, wad, ram
- 詰めこむ, 詰め込む, 押込める, 押しつめる, 詰める, 押込む, 押し込める, 押しこめる, 詰込む, 押詰める, 押し詰める
- crowd or pack to capacity; "the theater was jampacked"
- 混雑しているあるいは超満員である
- lock up, put away, lock in, lock away, shut away, shut up, lock
- 仕舞い込む, 仕舞う, 押込める, 仕舞込む, 取収める, 留置, しまい込む, 押し込める, 仕舞いこむ, 閉じ込める
- place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape; "The parents locked her daughter up for the weekend"; "She locked her jewels in the safe"
- 取り除くことができないまたは誰も逃げることができない場所に置かれる
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