英日字典: 根拠
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- base
- 本, 進数, 付け根, 根拠, 基礎, 基盤, 根拠地, 基, 拠点, 元, 許, 本拠地, 基地, 基本, 本拠, 根底, 土台, 根柢
- (anatomy) the part of an organ nearest its point of attachment; "the base of the skull"
- 臓器の連結している箇所に一番近い部位
- base, home
- ベース, 地盤, 根拠, 根拠地, 立脚点, 立脚地, 拠点, 根城, 本拠地, 本塁, 基地, 本拠, ホーム, ベイス
- the place where you are stationed and from which missions start and end
- 自分が在住し、活動を始めて終わらせる場所
- base, radix
- 本, 進数, 付け根, 根拠, 基礎, 基盤, 根拠地, 基, 拠点, 元, 基数, 許, 本拠地, 基地, 基本, 本拠, 根底, 土台, 根柢
- (numeration system) the positive integer that is equivalent to one in the next higher counting place; "10 is the radix of the decimal system"
- 次のさらに高い桁の数と同値の正の整数
- foundation
- 基部, 根拠, 基礎, 下地, 基盤, 基, 基底, 礎, 基本, 根底, 礎石, 根本, 土台, 根柢
- the basis on which something is grounded; "there is little foundation for his objections"
- 何かを築く基礎となるもの
- reason, ground
- 事由, 理屈, 根拠, 理合い, 訳合い, 理くつ, 事情, 事わけ, 所為, 筋あい, 所以, 理由, 由, 筋合, 訳柄, 訳合, 筋合い, 理合, わけ, 訳
- a rational motive for a belief or action; "the reason that war was declared"; "the grounds for their declaration"
- 信念または行動の合理的な動機
- reason
- 事由, 理屈, 廉, 節理, 根拠, 理合い, 道理, 一理, 訳合い, 理窟, 理くつ, 事わけ, 謂われ, 所為, 筋あい, 所以, 由縁, 理由, 原由, 由, 由来, 筋合, 成因, 訳柄, 謂れ, 訳合, 理趣, 筋合い, 理合, わけ, 訳, 事訳
- an explanation of the cause of some phenomenon; "the reason a steady state was never reached was that the back pressure built up too slowly"
- ある現象の原因の説明
- evidence, grounds
- 裏付, 原拠, 徴証, 拠り所, 証, 根拠, 明かし, 裏付け, 証跡, 拠所, 証左, 左証, 理由, 由, 証明, 裏づけ, 証拠, 明証, 証憑, 証し, 信証
- your basis for belief or disbelief; knowledge on which to base belief; "the evidence that smoking causes lung cancer is very compelling"
- 信じる、信じないの基礎となるもの
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