英日字典: 由来
9 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- account, story, history, chronicle
- 話説, 由来書き, ヒストリ, 青史, 所記, 歴史, 史乗, 物語り, 経緯, 年譜, 語り草, 叙事文, 由緒, 話し, 講談, 謂われ, 話, 年代記, 由縁, 言伝, 故由, 履歴, 物語, 語り種, 謂れ因縁, 編年史, 来歴, 来由, 由来, クロニクル, 記事, 謂われ因縁, 話譚, 実記, 由来書, 説話, 沿革, 謂れ, 曰く, 伝説, 史書, 故事, 因縁, 記述
- a record or narrative description of past events; "a history of France"; "he gave an inaccurate account of the plot to kill the president"; "the story of exposure to lead"
- 過去の出来事の記録または物語風の記述
- history
- ストーリー, ヒストリ, 歴史, 素姓, 経緯, 由緒, 病歴, 謂われ, 成り立ち, 過去, 史, 前歴, 由縁, 故由, 履歴, 物語, 謂れ因縁, 来歴, 来由, 由来, 成りたち, 素性, 謂われ因縁, ストーリ, 成立ち, 沿革, 謂れ, 素生, 故事, 因縁
- the aggregate of past events; "a critical time in the school's history"
- 過去の出来事の集合体
- derivation
- 導出, 派生, 由来
- the source or origin from which something derives (i.e. comes or issues); "he prefers shoes of Italian derivation"; "music of Turkish derivation"
- 何かが派生した(そこから来た、あるいは生じた)根元的なもの
- reason
- 事由, 理屈, 廉, 節理, 根拠, 理合い, 道理, 一理, 訳合い, 理窟, 理くつ, 事わけ, 謂われ, 所為, 筋あい, 所以, 由縁, 理由, 原由, 由, 由来, 筋合, 成因, 訳柄, 謂れ, 訳合, 理趣, 筋合い, 理合, わけ, 訳, 事訳
- an explanation of the cause of some phenomenon; "the reason a steady state was never reached was that the back pressure built up too slowly"
- ある現象の原因の説明
- ancestry, filiation, derivation, lineage
- 素姓, 筋目, 系列, 系統, 血統, 種姓, 家筋, 起源, 血筋, 由来, 素性, 家系, 家柄, 素生, 門閥
- inherited properties shared with others of your bloodline
- 同じ血統の他の人たちと共有する、遺伝的に受け継がれた特性
- fundamentally, basically, essentially
- 基本的, 基本的に, 由来, 本質的, 根本的に, 基礎的, 大体, 元来, がんらい
- in essence; at bottom or by one's (or its) very nature; "He is basically dishonest"; "the argument was essentially a technical one"; "for all his bluster he is in essence a shy person"
- 本質の上で
- stem
- 生じる, 由来
- grow out of, have roots in, originate in; "The increase in the national debt stems from the last war"
- 何かから育つ、起源をもつ、に由来する
- derive
- 由来
- come from; "The present name derives from an older form"
- そこから来る
- descend, come, derive
- 由来
- come from; be connected by a relationship of blood, for example; "She was descended from an old Italian noble family"; "he comes from humble origins"
- そこから来る
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