英日字典: 楽
6 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- music
- 笛竹, 楽, ミュージック, 音楽
- an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner
- 構造化され、かつ連続的な楽器あるいは音声から成る聴覚コミュニケーションの芸術的形態
- comfort
- 安楽, 楽, 安心
- a feeling of freedom from worry or disappointment
- 心配や失望から解き放たれた気持ち
- easy
- 安楽, 暢気, のんき, 軽い, 穏やか, 楽, 呑気, やすい, 暖気, イージー
- free from worry or anxiety; "knowing that I had done my best, my mind was easy"; "an easy good-natured manner"; "by the time the chsild faced the actual problem of reading she was familiar and at ease with all the elements words"
- 心配または不安がない
- easy
- 簡便, 他愛も無い, 他愛もない, お安い, たあいない, 手軽い, 手がるい, 易しい, たわいない, 易い, 安易, 単簡, 簡易, 安直, 造作無い, 生やさしい, 簡単, 軽い, 生易しい, 造作ない, たわい無い, 楽, たやすい, 容易, 楽ちん, やすい, なまやさしい, 容易い, 易易たる, 軽易, 訳無い, 手軽, ちょろい, 訳ない, 易々たる, 他愛ない, やさしい, 他愛無い, 短簡, 御安い, 平易, イージー
- posing no difficulty; requiring little effort; "an easy job"; "an easy problem"; "an easy victory"; "the house is easy to heat"; "satisfied with easy answers"; "took the easy way out of his dilemma"
- 困難さを示さない
- relaxed
- 安楽, 気安, のどか, 楽, 心安い, 伸びやか, 安らか, 安心
- without strain or anxiety; "gave the impression of being quite relaxed"; "a relaxed and informal discussion"
- 緊張や心配のない
- comfortable
- 安楽, 気散じ, 心地良い, 快然たる, 気持ち良い, 快い, 快適, 沖融たる, 楽, 楽ちん, 心地よい, 心地好い, 気楽, 気安い
- free from stress or conducive to mental ease; having or affording peace of mind; "was settled in a comfortable job, one for which he was well prepared"; "the comfortable thought that nothing could go wrong"; "was comfortable in his religious beliefs"; "she's a comfortable person to be with"; "she felt comfortable with her fiance's parents"
- ストレスがないか精神的安らぎの助けになる
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