英日字典: 沈痛
3 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- worried, disturbed, distressed, disquieted, upset
- 気遣わしい, 悩ましい, 心配, 不安, 気がかり, 気掛かり, 沈痛
- afflicted with or marked by anxious uneasiness or trouble or grief; "too upset to say anything"; "spent many disquieted moments"; "distressed about her son's leaving home"; "lapsed into disturbed sleep"; "worried parents"; "a worried frown"; "one last worried check of the sleeping children"
- 気がかりな不安、トラブルまたは悲しみに苦しめられるまたは、それらに特徴付けられる
- sad
- 哀しげ, 心悲しげ, 哀れ気, 悲しげ, もの悲しい, 悲痛, 心悲しい, うら悲しい, 悲しい, 物悲しい, 沈痛, 哀しい, 物哀しい, うら悲しげ, もの哀しい
- experiencing or showing sorrow or unhappiness; "feeling sad because his dog had died"; "Better by far that you should forget and smile / Than that you should remember and be sad"- Christina Rossetti
- 悲しみまたは不幸を経験するか、示すさま
- dispirited, down, low, gloomy, downhearted, low-spirited, depressed, down in the mouth, downcast, blue, grim
- 気鬱, 鬱々たる, 大腐り, 陰々滅々, 欝欝たる, 湿っぽい, 鬱鬱たる, 暗然たる, 鬱陶しげ, うっとうしい, 悄悄たる, 気が重い, グルーミー, 陰欝, 陰湿, 気欝, 悄々たる, 気無性, 重苦しい, 気無精, 憂鬱, 欝陶しい, 陰気臭い, 重い, 陰気, 陰気くさい, しめっぽい, うっとうしげ, 重たい, 鬱陶しい, 陰鬱, 暗い, 沈痛, 大腐, 憂うつ, 暗澹たる, 重くるしい, 沈鬱, 暗うつ, 悄然たる, 陰陰滅滅, 物憂げ, 暗鬱, 憂欝, 重苦しげ
- filled with melancholy and despondency ; "gloomy at the thought of what he had to face"; "gloomy predictions"; "a gloomy silence"; "took a grim view of the economy"; "the darkening mood"; "lonely and blue in a strange city"; "depressed by the loss of his job"; "a dispirited and resigned expression on her face"; "downcast after his defeat"; "feeling discouraged and downhearted"
- 物悲しさと失望でいっぱいの
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