

英日字典: 浮游


5 文書を見つけるための辞書。

  • drift
  • 漂泊, 浮流, 偏流, 漂流, 浮游, 浮遊
  • the gradual departure from an intended course due to external influences (as a ship or plane)
  • (船や飛行機が)外的影響によって目的とするコースから徐々に離れること

  • float, be adrift, blow, drift
  • 漂う, 漂泊, 浮流, 漂動, 漂流, 浮游, 浮遊
  • be in motion due to some air or water current; "The leaves were blowing in the wind"; "the boat drifted on the lake"; "The sailboat was adrift on the open sea"; "the shipwrecked boat drifted away from the shore"
  • 微風または水流によって動いている

  • swim, float
  • 浮ぶ, 浮く, 浮游, 浮遊, 浮かぶ
  • be afloat either on or below a liquid surface and not sink to the bottom
  • 液体の表面、あるいはその下のどちらかで浮かび、底に沈まない

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