英日字典: 湧く
6 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- seethe, boil
- 煮る, 煎じる, 涌く, 煮える, 沸く, 湧く
- be in an agitated emotional state; "The customer was seething with anger"
- 動揺した感情的な状態である
- swell, well up
- 湧き上る, 涌きでる, 沸上がる, 沸き上る, 湧出る, 沸き立つ, 湧きたつ, 湧き起る, 沸立つ, 沸きあがる, 沸き上がる, 沸きたつ, 湧きおこる, こみ上げる, 湧き上がる, 湧き出る, 湧起こる, 湧き立つ, わき上がる, 涌く, 込みあげる, 沸き起こる, 湧きあがる, 涌き出る, 込み上げる, 沸起こる, 湧きでる, 湧上がる, 湧起る, わき立つ, 湧き起こる, わき出る, 湧立つ, 沸き起る, 湧く, 沸起る
- come up (as of feelings and thoughts, or other ephemeral things); "Strong emotions welled up"; "Smoke swelled from it"
- (気持ちや考え、またはその他のはかないものなどが)浮かび上がる
- intumesce, bubble up
- 沸き立つ, 涌く, 沸く, 湧く
- move upwards in bubbles, as from the effect of heating; also used metaphorically; "Gases bubbled up from the earth"; "Marx's ideas have bubbled up in many places in Latin America"
- 暖房の影響より、泡で上方へ移動する
- bob up, arise, come up
- 湧き上る, 生じる, 生れる, 沸上がる, 沸き上る, 湧き起る, 沸き上がる, 生起, 湧きおこる, 芽ばえる, 発する, 持ち上がる, 湧き上がる, 起きる, 起る, 湧起こる, わき上がる, 生出, 涌く, 発生, 沸き起こる, 起こる, 持上る, 湧上がる, 生ずる, 湧起る, 生まれる, 発しる, 持ち上る, 持ちあがる, 持上がる, 湧き起こる, 沸き起る, 湧く, 浮かぶ, 沸起る
- originate or come into being; "a question arose"
- 始まる、または発生する
- come, occur
- 涌く, 湧く, 浮かぶ
- come to one's mind; suggest itself; "It occurred to me that we should hire another secretary"; "A great idea then came to her"
- その人の心に浮かぶ
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