英日字典: 神妙
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- admirable
- 神妙, 感心, 美事, 豪い, 偉い, 見事, 天晴れ, あっぱれ, 偉
- deserving of the highest esteem or admiration; "an estimable young professor"; "trains ran with admirable precision"; "his taste was impeccable, his health admirable"
- 最も高い評価または賞賛に値するさま
- admirable
- 神妙, 感心, 美事, 豪い, 偉い, 見事, 天晴れ, あっぱれ, 殊勝, 偉
- inspiring admiration or approval; "among her many admirable qualities are generosity and graciousness"
- 訴えかける賞賛または承認
- well-behaved, well behaved
- 神妙
- (usually of children) someone who behaves in a manner that the speaker believes is correct; "a well-behaved child"
- 話者が正しいと信じている方法でふるまう誰か
- mysterious, secret, mystic, orphic, mystical, occult
- 奇奇怪怪, 神妙, 不思議, きっかい, 神秘的, 霊妙, 霊び, 不可思議, 怪奇, 幻怪, 面妖, 怪異, けったい, 奇怪, ミステーリアス, 神秘, 怪しい, 妖しい, 幻妖, 奇っ怪, ミステリアス, 奇々怪々
- having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding; "mysterious symbols"; "the mystical style of Blake"; "occult lore"; "the secret learning of the ancients"
- 感覚または知性に明確でない意味を持つ
- laudable, applaudable, commendable, praiseworthy
- 奇特, 神妙, 感心, 殊勝
- worthy of high praise; "applaudable efforts to save the environment"; "a commendable sense of purpose"; "laudable motives of improving housing conditions"; "a significant and praiseworthy increase in computer intelligence"
- 高い賞賛に値する
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