英日字典: 怪しい
8 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- unusual, strange
- 奇態, 奇奇怪怪, 可笑しい, 可笑しげ, 異様, 不思議, 妙ちきりん, 奇体, きっかい, 変わった, 突飛, へんてこ, 特別, 新奇, 妖しげ, 物珍しい, 異常, 不可思議, 怪奇, 風変わり, 面妖, 変てこ, 妙ちき, 怪異, 怪しげ, 一種異様, 珍妙, けったい, 変, 奇怪, 奇妙, 奇矯, 変梃, 妙, 怪しい, 妖しい, 怪態, 変ちき, 奇っ怪, 変梃りん, 奇, 珍奇, 奇々怪々
- being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or even a bit weird; "a strange exaltation that was indefinable"; "a strange fantastical mind"; "what a strange sense of humor she has"
- 明らかに並外れていて予想外であるさま
- uncertain
- 覚束無い, 未定, 不慥か, 不確定, 不明, おぼろげ, 不確実, おぼつかない, 覚束ない, 怪しい, 不確か, 疑わしい, あやふや
- not established beyond doubt; still undecided or unknown; "an uncertain future"; "a manuscript of uncertain origin"; "plans are still uncertain"; "changes of great if uncertain consequences"; "without further evidence his story must remain uncertain"
- 全く確立していない
- dubious, doubtful, dubitable, in question
- 訝しい, 不審, 怪しげ, 如何わしい, うろん, いぶかしい, 怪しい, 胡散らしい, あいまい, 不明朗, いかがわしい, 疑わしい
- open to doubt or suspicion; "the candidate's doubtful past"; "he has a dubious record indeed"; "what one found uncertain the other found dubious or downright false"; "it was more than dubitable whether the friend was as influential as she thought"- Karen Horney
- 疑いまたは疑念を受けやすい
- mysterious, secret, mystic, orphic, mystical, occult
- 奇奇怪怪, 神妙, 不思議, きっかい, 神秘的, 霊妙, 霊び, 不可思議, 怪奇, 幻怪, 面妖, 怪異, けったい, 奇怪, ミステーリアス, 神秘, 怪しい, 妖しい, 幻妖, 奇っ怪, ミステリアス, 奇々怪々
- having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding; "mysterious symbols"; "the mystical style of Blake"; "occult lore"; "the secret learning of the ancients"
- 感覚または知性に明確でない意味を持つ
- funny, suspicious, fishy, suspect, shady
- うさん臭げ, 疑しげ, 疑わしげ, 訝しい, うさんくさい, 胡散臭い, きな臭い, 不審, 胡散臭げ, 怪しげ, 如何わしい, 変, うろん, うさん臭い, 妙, いぶかしい, 怪しい, 胡散らしい, 腥い, 胡散くさい, いかがわしい, 疑わしい
- not as expected; "there was something fishy about the accident"; "up to some funny business"; "some definitely queer goings-on"; "a shady deal"; "her motives were suspect"; "suspicious behavior"
- 予想通りではない
- dubious, doubtful
- 疑しげ, 覚束無い, 疑わしげ, 訝しい, 不審, 怪しげ, 如何わしい, うろん, おぼつかない, 覚束ない, いぶかしい, 怪しい, 胡散らしい, あいまい, いかがわしい, 疑わしい
- fraught with uncertainty or doubt; "they were doubtful that the cord would hold"; "it was doubtful whether she would be admitted"; "dubious about agreeing to go"
- 不確実性あるいは不確かさをはらんだ
- unsure, uncertain, incertain
- おぼつかなげ, 覚束無い, 危ない, 不慥か, 訝しい, 胡乱, 不確実, 心許ない, おぼつかない, 覚束ない, 覚束なげ, 危なっかしい, いぶかしい, 怪しい, 不正確, 危うい, 不確か, 疑わしい, あやふや
- lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance; "uncertain of his convictions"; "unsure of himself and his future"; "moving with uncertain (or unsure) steps"; "an uncertain smile"; "touched the ornaments with uncertain fingers"
- 信用または保証が足りない、または足りないことを示している
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