英日字典: 習わし
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- custom, tradition
- 流儀, 因習, 格例, 風儀, 習慣, 旧習, 式例, 仕来たり, 為来たり, 仕来り, 常例, 風, 習わし, 風俗, 為来, 風習, 仕来, 惰性, 遺風, 因襲, 定例, 為来り, 慣習, 旧例, 慣らし, 慣わし, しきたり, 性, トラディション, 習俗, 慣例, 慣行
- a specific practice of long standing
- 長年の特定の習慣
- habit, wont
- 決り, 因習, 習慣, 決まり, 習わし, 風習, 因襲, 慣習, 古例, 俗習, 恒例, 習い, 慣例, 慣行
- an established custom; "it was their habit to dine at 7 every evening"
- 確立した慣習
- habit, use
- 習慣, 習わし, 癖
- (psychology) an automatic pattern of behavior in reaction to a specific situation; may be inherited or acquired through frequent repetition; "owls have nocturnal habits"; "she had a habit twirling the ends of her hair"; "long use had hardened him to it"
- 特定の状況に対する反射的な行動パターン
- practice, pattern
- パターン, 風儀, 習慣, 常習, お定まり, 習わし, パタン, 行動様式, 習癖, 御定り, 御定, 定型, 御定まり, 定規, お定り, 慣わし, 手風, 習俗, 俗, 慣例, 慣行
- a customary way of operation or behavior; "it is their practice to give annual raises"; "they changed their dietary pattern"
- 活動や行動の習慣的な様式
- custom, usage, usance
- 因習, 風儀, 習慣, 仕来たり, 為来たり, 仕来り, 常例, 常習, 習わし, 風俗, 慣い, 風習, 因襲, 定例, 為来り, 慣習, 流俗, 旧例, 慣らし, 古例, 慣わし, しきたり, 俗習, 恒例, 習い, 習俗, 慣例, 慣行
- accepted or habitual practice
- 受け入れられることまたは慣習
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