英日字典: 俗
6 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- practice, pattern
- パターン, 風儀, 習慣, 常習, お定まり, 習わし, パタン, 行動様式, 習癖, 御定り, 御定, 定型, 御定まり, 定規, お定り, 慣わし, 手風, 習俗, 俗, 慣例, 慣行
- a customary way of operation or behavior; "it is their practice to give annual raises"; "they changed their dietary pattern"
- 活動や行動の習慣的な様式
- grossness, vulgarism, coarseness, vulgarity, commonness, raunch
- 卑陋, 低劣, 平凡, 俚俗, 俗気, 粗野, 下品, 不意気, 卑俗, 俗, 俗悪
- the quality of lacking taste and refinement
- 品と優雅さに欠ける性質
- base, meanspirited, mean
- 下司, 賎陋, 低劣, みにくい, 汚い, 鄙劣, 下種, さもしい, 醜い, 下衆, 穢い, 醜悪, 賎しい, あさましい, 下劣, 穢ない, せこい, 汚ない, 賤しい, 端ない, 陋劣, 浅ましい, 俗, 卑しい, 賎劣, 卑劣
- having or showing an ignoble lack of honor or morality; "that liberal obedience without which your army would be a base rabble"- Edmund Burke; "taking a mean advantage"; "chok'd with ambition of the meaner sort"- Shakespeare; "something essentially vulgar and meanspirited in politics"
- 下品な敬意、あるいは道徳の欠落があること、あるいは示すさま
- unwashed, plebeian, vulgar, common
- 人並み, 世間並み, 平凡, 十人並み, 並大抵, 凡下, 一般的, 凡庸, 凡, 平平凡凡たる, 世俗的, 平民的, 俗, 尋常, 普通, 十人なみ
- of or associated with the great masses of people; "the common people in those days suffered greatly"; "behavior that branded him as common"; "his square plebeian nose"; "a vulgar and objectionable person"; "the unwashed masses"
- 人々の大きな集団に関するまたはそれの
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