英日字典: 苦しい
6 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- problematical, elusive, tough, problematic, knotty, baffling
- 複雑, 捕らえ所のない, 苦しい, ハード, 捉え所の無い, 捕らえ所の無い, 困難, 捉え所のない, 難解, 手ごわい, 手強い
- making great mental demands; hard to comprehend or solve or believe; "a baffling problem"; "I faced the knotty problem of what to have for breakfast"; "a problematic situation at home"
- 大きな精神的な要求を行うさま
- hard, gruelling, heavy, punishing, arduous, toilsome, backbreaking, operose, laborious, grueling
- 苦しい, 難しい, きつい, ヘビー, 辛い, ハード, しんどい, つらい, ヘビイ, 困難, 重たい, 大変, ヘヴィ, 懸命
- characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort; "worked their arduous way up the mining valley"; "a grueling campaign"; "hard labor"; "heavy work"; "heavy going"; "spent many laborious hours on the project"; "set a punishing pace"
- 消耗といっていいほどの努力によって特徴づけられる
- painful
- 有痛性, 甚い, 苦しい, 悩ましげ, 辛い, 苦い, つらい, 痛い, 心苦しい, 切ない, 心憂い
- causing physical or psychological pain; "worked with painful slowness"
- 身体的、または精神的な痛みを引き起こすさま
- bad, tough
- 苦しい, 辛い, 不快, 気持ち悪い
- feeling physical discomfort or pain (`tough' is occasionally used colloquially for `bad'); "my throat feels bad"; "she felt bad all over"; "he was feeling tough after a restless night"
- 身体的な不快または痛みを感じるさま
- sore, afflictive, painful
- 悲壮, 有痛性, 甚い, 苦しい, 辛い, つらい, 痛い, 悲しい, 心苦しい, 切ない, 心憂い
- causing misery or pain or distress; "it was a sore trial to him"; "the painful process of growing up"
- 不幸や苦痛や悩みを引き起こす
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