英日字典: 葛藤
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- conflict
- 衝突, 葛藤
- opposition in a work of drama or fiction between characters or forces (especially an opposition that motivates the development of the plot); "this form of conflict is essential to Mann's writing"
- 芝居または小説での登場人物間あるいは勢力間の対立(特に話の筋の展開を促すような対立)
- conflict
- コンフリクト, 葛藤
- opposition between two simultaneous but incompatible feelings; "he was immobilized by conflict and indecision"
- 二種類の同時に存在しながら矛盾する気持ちの対立
- discord, strife
- 漣, 不協和音, 軋轢, 摩擦, 軋み, 不一致, 仲違, 間隙, 隙意, 風波, 入り組み, 細波, 軋, 不仲, 相克, 入組み, 不和, さざ波, 相剋, ちぐはぐさ, 小波, 確執, 波風, 仲たがい, 背中合わせ, 不調和, 入組, 齟齬, 仲違い, 葛藤, 敵対
- lack of agreement or harmony
- 同意あるいは調和の欠如
- complication
- 複雑, 錯綜, 煩, 煩雑, こんぐらかり, 縺れ, いざこざ, 紛糾, ごたくさ, 錯雑, 葛藤, トラブル, いさくさ, もつれ
- a situation or condition that is complex or confused; "her coming was a serious complication"
- 複雑で混乱した状態
- bother, trouble, fuss, hassle
- 揉, 紛争, 騒ぎ, 波瀾, 風波, もめ事, 揉事, いざこざ, ごたくさ, 紛擾, 悶着, 揉め事, ごたごた, 波乱, もやくや, 葛藤, トラブル, いさくさ, 騒動, 揉め
- an angry disturbance; "he didn't want to make a fuss"; "they had labor trouble"; "a spot of bother"
- 怒りの騒動
- conflict
- 摩擦, もめ事, コンフリクト, 葛藤
- an incompatibility of dates or events; "he noticed a conflict in the dates of the two meetings"
- 日付や行事での不一致
- conflict
- 論争, 摩擦, 物争い, 争い, 繋争, 揉事, 衝突, 紛紜, 揉め事, 葛藤, 物争
- a state of opposition between persons or ideas or interests; "his conflict of interest made him ineligible for the post"; "a conflict of loyalties"
- 人、意見、利害が対立していること
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