英日字典: 衝突
19 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- hit, collision
- 衝突
- (physics) a brief event in which two or more bodies come together; "the collision of the particles resulted in an exchange of energy and a change of direction"
- 2つ以上の物体がぶつかること
- conflict
- 論争, 摩擦, 物争い, 争い, 繋争, 揉事, 衝突, 紛紜, 揉め事, 葛藤, 物争
- a state of opposition between persons or ideas or interests; "his conflict of interest made him ineligible for the post"; "a conflict of loyalties"
- 人、意見、利害が対立していること
- smash, crash
- 衝突, スマッシュ
- the act of colliding with something; "his crash through the window"; "the fullback's smash into the defensive line"
- 何かと衝突する行為
- impaction, impingement
- 嵌入, 衝突
- a sharp collision produced by striking or dashing against something
- 何かを打ったり何かに突っ込んだりして起こる激しい衝突
- battle, engagement, fight, conflict
- 弓馬, 兵甲, 戦闘, 弓箭, 戦い, 戦, 軍, バトル, 陣, 衝突, 弓矢, 合戦, 戦火, 一戦, 交戦, 甲兵, 修羅, 兵馬, 剣戟
- a hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of a war; "Grant won a decisive victory in the battle of Chickamauga"; "he lost his romantic ideas about war when he got into a real engagement"
- 戦争中の、敵対する軍事力との対立的な会議
- conflict
- 衝突, 葛藤
- opposition in a work of drama or fiction between characters or forces (especially an opposition that motivates the development of the plot); "this form of conflict is essential to Mann's writing"
- 芝居または小説での登場人物間あるいは勢力間の対立(特に話の筋の展開を促すような対立)
- battle, struggle, conflict
- 論争, あつれき, 揉みあい, 摩擦, 闘諍, 物争い, 争闘, 争い, 戦い, 相克, 組み討ち, 抗争, 相剋, バトル, 闘い, 衝突, 揉み合い, 闘争, 物争, 修羅
- an open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals); "the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph"--Thomas Paine; "police tried to control the battle between the pro- and anti-abortion mobs"
- 敵対する2グループ(または2人)の間の公然の衝突
- collision
- 衝突
- a conflict of opposed ideas or attitudes or goals; "a collision of interests"
- 対立した考え、態度またはゴールの闘争
- collision
- コリジョン, 衝突
- an accident resulting from violent impact of a moving object; "three passengers were killed in the collision"; "the collision of the two ships resulted in a serious oil spill"
- 動く物体の激しい衝撃によって起きる事故
- wreck, crash
- クラッシュ, 衝突
- a serious accident (usually involving one or more vehicles); "they are still investigating the crash of the TWA plane"
- 深刻な事故(たいてい一台か複数の乗り物を巻き込んだもの)
- run into, jar against, knock against, bump into, butt against
- ぶち当たる, 突き当たる, 打ち付ける, 打っ付かる, 打付かる, ぶつかり合う, 打っ付ける, 突っかける, ぶっ付かる, 打ち当たる, ぶつける, 当たる, ぶつかる, 打つ, 撥ねる, 打ちあたる, 中たる, 突当たる, 突きあたる, 衝突, 突当る, あたる, 打ち当てる, 打当る, 打ち当る, 打っつかる, 当る, 打付ける, 打当たる
- collide violently with an obstacle; "I ran into the telephone pole"
- 障害と激しく衝突する
- run into, encounter
- ぶち当たる, 遭う, 突き当たる, 打っ付かる, 行き当る, あう, 打付かる, ぶっ付かる, 打ち当たる, 行当たる, 当たる, ぶつかる, 打ちあたる, 中たる, 突当たる, 突きあたる, 遭遇, 行当る, 衝突, 突当る, あたる, 打当る, 打ち当る, 打っつかる, 行き当たる, 当る, 打当たる
- be beset by; "The project ran into numerous financial difficulties"
- に悩まされる
- clash
- 衝突
- disagree violently; "We clashed over the new farm policies"
- 激しく反対する
- clash, collide
- 衝突
- crash together with violent impact; "The cars collided"; "Two meteors clashed"
- 激しい衝撃と共に衝突する
- collide
- 衝突
- cause to collide; "The physicists collided the particles"
- 衝突する原因
- run into, collide with, strike, hit, impinge on
- ぶち当たる, 突き当たる, 打ち付ける, 打っ付かる, 打付かる, 叩きつける, 打っ付ける, ぶっ付かる, 打ち当たる, ぶつける, ぶっ付ける, 当たる, ぶつかる, 打つ, 中る, 当てる, 突当たる, 突きあたる, 打ちつける, 衝突, 突当る, 打ち当てる, 打当る, 打ち当る, 打っつかる, 打っつける, 撲つ, 叩き付ける, 突掛ける, ぶっつける, 当る, 打付ける, 打つかる, 打当たる, 打当てる
- hit against; come into sudden contact with; "The car hit a tree"; "He struck the table with his elbow"
- 当たる
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