英日字典: 襲う
8 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- strike, hit
- 襲う, 見まう
- affect or afflict suddenly, usually adversely; "We were hit by really bad weather"; "He was stricken with cancer when he was still a teenager"; "The earthquake struck at midnight"
- 突然影響を及ぼす、あるいは苦しませる、通常不利に
- set upon, beset
- 襲う
- assail or attack on all sides: "The zebra was beset by leopards"
- 全方位を襲撃するあるいは攻撃する
- succeed, follow, come after
- 受継ぐ, 襲う, 受け継ぐ, 承ける, 引継ぐ, 引きうける, 継ぐ, 引きつぐ, 引受ける
- be the successor (of); "Carter followed Ford"; "Will Charles succeed to the throne?"
- (の)後継者になる
- attack
- 掛かる, 遣っつける, 攻撃, 斬り込む, やっ付ける, 襲う, 切り込む, 遣っ付ける, 撃つ, 射つ, 迎え撃つ, 討つ, 襲い掛かる, 攻める, 伐つ
- begin to injure; "The cancer cells are attacking his liver"; "Rust is attacking the metal"
- 傷し始める
- dishonor, dishonour, outrage, assault, violate, ravish, rape
- 犯す, 穢す, 暴行, 強姦, 凌辱, 襲う, 陵辱, 辱める, 汚す, レイプ, 乱暴, 姦する
- force (someone) to have sex against their will; "The woman was raped on her way home at night"
- 彼らの意志に反してセックスをさせる(誰か)
- strike, hit
- 攻撃, 襲いかかる, 襲う, 来襲, 叩く, 襲い掛かる, 攻める
- make a strategic, offensive, assault against an enemy, opponent, or a target; "The Germans struck Poland on Sept. 1, 1939"; "We must strike the enemy's oil fields"; "in the fifth inning, the Giants struck, sending three runners home to win the game 5 to 2"
- 敵、相手、または目標に対して戦略的な、そして、不快な襲撃をする
- strike, hit, come to
- 思い浮ぶ, 思い浮かぶ, 襲いかかる, 襲う, 起こる, 襲い掛かる, 見まう
- cause to experience suddenly; "Panic struck me"; "An interesting idea hit her"; "A thought came to me"; "The thought struck terror in our minds"; "They were struck with fear"
- 突然体験するようにする
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