英日字典: 見識
6 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- pridefulness, pride
- 傲り, 誇り, 我褒め, おごり, 我賞め, 驕傲, 矜持, 倨傲, 誇, 見識, 自慢, 自負, 驕り, うぬぼれ, プライド, 驕心, 誇らしさ, 高慢なこと, 我れぼめ, 自尊, 気位, 矜恃, 慢心, 自負心, 我ぼめ, 自尊心, 得意, 思いあがり
- a feeling of self-respect and personal worth
- 自尊心および、自分に値打ちがあると感じること
- insight, penetration
- 読み, 識見, 眼識, 見識, 看破する力, 洞察力, 洞察, 読, 活眼, 眼力
- clear or deep perception of a situation
- ある状況を深く、明解に見抜く力
- discretion, discernment
- 判断力, 明察, 分別, 鑑識, 明敏, 識別, 甲乙, 見識, 眼光, 洞察, 物心
- the trait of judging wisely and objectively; "a man of discernment"
- 賢明に、客観的に判断する性質
- self-worth, dignity, self-regard, self-respect
- 尊厳さ, 気格, 沽券, 貫目, 貫禄, 估券, 矜持, 品, 自敬, 見識, 尊厳, 品格, プライド, 貫録, 品位, 気韻, 自尊, 気位, 矜恃, 威信, 自負心, 気高さ, 自尊心, 気品
- the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect; "it was beneath his dignity to cheat"; "showed his true dignity when under pressure"
- 尊敬、尊重に値する性質
- judgment, judgement, mind
- 意見, 識見, 判断, オピニオン, 見識, 判定, 所見, ジャッジ, 見解
- an opinion formed by judging something; "he was reluctant to make his judgment known"; "she changed her mind"
- 何かを判断することによって形成された意見
- comprehension
- 見識, 理解, 智見, 知見, 把握, 理解力
- an ability to understand the meaning or importance of something (or the knowledge acquired as a result); "how you can do that is beyond my comprehension"; "he was famous for his comprehension of American literature"
- 何かの意味や重要性を理解する能力(あるいは結果的に取得した知識)
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