英日字典: ジャッジ
6 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- judgment, judgement, mind
- 意見, 識見, 判断, オピニオン, 見識, 判定, 所見, ジャッジ, 見解
- an opinion formed by judging something; "he was reluctant to make his judgment known"; "she changed her mind"
- 何かを判断することによって形成された意見
- judge, evaluate, pass judgment
- 鑑定, 品評, 判断, 評する, 品定, 評価, 品定め, 価値判断, 品さだめ, 判定, 評定, 品隲, 価値づける, ジャッジ
- form a critical opinion of; "I cannot judge some works of modern art"; "How do you evaluate this grant proposal?" "We shouldn't pass judgment on other people"
- 批判的な意見を形成する
- try, judge, adjudicate
- 判じる, 裁する, 裁決, 審理, 裁く, 判ずる, 裁断, ジャッジ
- put on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of; "The football star was tried for the murder of his wife"; "The judge tried both father and son in separate trials"
- 裁判のときに、裁判官として告発する、訴訟事件を審理する、または開廷する
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