英日字典: 調査
16 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- search
- 詮索, 探検, 漁り, 調査, 捜査, 改め, サーチ, 探索, フィールドワーク, 探訪, 捜索, リサーチ, 検索, 探求, 調べ
- an investigation seeking answers; "a thorough search of the ledgers revealed nothing"; "the outcome justified the search"
- 答を探し求める調査
- assay, check
- 試験, 検定, 調査, チェック, 試金, 点検, 分析, 検見
- an appraisal of the state of affairs; "they made an assay of the contents"; "a check on its dependability under stress"
- 物事の状態の評価
- study, survey
- 調査
- a detailed critical inspection
- 細目にわたる批判的な検査
- study
- 修業, 調査, 検討, 勉強, 研究, 書院, 稽古, 学習, 研学, 習作, 練習曲, 学問, 修行
- a composition intended to develop one aspect of the performer's technique; "a study in spiccato bowing"
- 演奏者のあるテクニックを伸ばすための練習曲
- investigation, probe
- 詮索, 吟味, 検分, 査問, 査定, 取調, 吟味立, 調査, 検察, 調, 検討, 勘査, 踏査, 取り調べ, 捜査, 考査, 追及, 追究, 審査, 勘検, 査察, 考証, 探索, 究明, 取調べ, 捜索, リサーチ, 探り, 吟味立て, 調べ, 検使, 追求
- an inquiry into unfamiliar or questionable activities; "there was a congressional probe into the scandal"
- よく知らない、疑問が残る活動について調査すること
- research
- 調査, 討究, 講究, 研究, 探究, 攻究, 考究, 究明, リサーチ
- attempt to find out in a systematically and scientific manner; "The student researched the history of that word"
- 体系的および科学的に調査することを試みる
- inspect
- 検閲, 検視, 見澄す, 検分, 取り調べる, 検する, 調査, 取調べる, 見極める, 審査, 点検, 査察, 閲する, 検見, 検査, 調べる, 査閲, 探る, テスト, 見分
- look over carefully; "Please inspect your father's will carefully"
- 慎重に調べる
- research, search, explore
- 調査, 調べる, リサーチ
- inquire into; "the students had to research the history of the Second World War for their history project"; "He searched for information on his relatives on the web"; "Scientists are exploring the nature of consciousness"
- 調査する
- analyse, study, examine, canvass, analyze, canvas
- 鑑定, 吟味, 検分, 査問, 解析, 検する, 研修, 調査, 討究, 講究, 検討, 検案, 考査, 研究, 点検, 分析, 研摩, 攻究, 考究, 検査, 研学, 査閲, 研磨, 訊問, 考察
- consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning; "analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare"; "analyze the evidence in a criminal trial"; "analyze your real motives"
- 本質的な特徴か意味を発見するために、詳細に検討し分析する
- investigate, inquire, enquire
- 吟味, 調査, 調べる, 探る
- conduct an inquiry or investigation of; "The district attorney's office investigated reports of possible irregularities"; "inquire into the disappearance of the rich old lady"
- 問い合わせ、または調査を行う
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