英日字典: 探る
8 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- search
- 詮索, 捜る, 捜査, 捜索, 探る
- subject to a search; "The police searched the suspect"; "We searched the whole house for the missing keys"
- ある探査を受ける
- look, search
- 詮索, 探検, 捜す, 視る, 捜査, 見る, サーチ, 探究, 探索, 探し回る, 調べる, 捜索, 探る, 検索, 探す
- search or seek; "We looked all day and finally found the child in the forest"; "Look elsewhere for the perfect gift!"
- 捜すか、捜索する
- seek, search, look for
- 捜し求める, 捜す, 探しもとめる, 探し求める, 探し回る, 捜索, さがし回る, 探る, 捜しもとめる, 探しまわる, 尋ねる, 探す
- try to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of; "The police are searching for clues"; "They are searching for the missing man in the entire county"
- 見つけ、発見し、またはその存在を確定しようとする
- inspect
- 検閲, 検視, 見澄す, 検分, 取り調べる, 検する, 調査, 取調べる, 見極める, 審査, 点検, 査察, 閲する, 検見, 検査, 調べる, 査閲, 探る, テスト, 見分
- look over carefully; "Please inspect your father's will carefully"
- 慎重に調べる
- feel
- 探る
- find by testing or cautious exploration; "He felt his way around the dark room"
- 試験、慎重な探査により見つける
- grope, fumble
- 手探り, 探り回る, 手弄り, 模索, 手さぐり, 暗中模索, 摸索, 手弄, 手探, 探る
- feel about uncertainly or blindly; "She groped for her glasses in the darkness of the bedroom"
- 不確実に、または、盲目的に、利用できると感じる
- investigate, inquire, enquire
- 吟味, 調査, 調べる, 探る
- conduct an inquiry or investigation of; "The district attorney's office investigated reports of possible irregularities"; "inquire into the disappearance of the rich old lady"
- 問い合わせ、または調査を行う
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