英日字典: 辛さ
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- badness, severeness, severity
- こっ酷さ, シビアさ, 酷しさ, 手痛さ, 過酷さ, こっぴどさ, 苛烈, 豪さ, 厳烈, 苛酷さ, 辛さ, 手ひどさ, 悪さ, 不味さ, 厳しさ, 手酷さ
- used of the degree of something undesirable e.g. pain or weather
- 例えば、痛みや天候のような好ましくないものの程度に使われる
- asperity, hardship, rigorousness, grimness, rigourousness, severeness, rigor, severity, rigour
- こっ酷さ, 手きびしさ, 峻烈さ, 手厳しさ, 酷しさ, 手痛さ, 過酷さ, こっぴどさ, 苛烈, 厳さ, 苛酷さ, 辛さ, 手ひどさ, 厳しさ, 手酷さ
- something hard to endure; "the asperity of northern winters"
- 耐え難い苦難
- spiciness, spice, spicery
- 辛味, 辛さ
- the property of being seasoned with spice and so highly flavored
- 香辛料で味付けされ、強い風味を添えられている特性
- painfulness, pain
- 苦しみ, 痛み, 難儀さ, 苦痛, 傷み, 苦痛なこと, 苦楚, 苦しさ, 憂苦, 苦, 辛さ, 難渋さ, 痛苦, 苦悩
- emotional distress; a fundamental feeling that people try to avoid; "the pain of loneliness"
- 感情的な苦悩
- suffering, hurt
- 艱苦, 苦しみ, 痛み, 四苦八苦, 辛酸, 苦痛, 苦辛, 傷み, 苦衷, 悩み, 渋難, 苦しむこと, 困難, 苦, 辛さ, 苦艱, 苦悩, 疾苦, 苦患
- feelings of mental or physical pain
- 精神的または肉体的な苦痛
- pungency, bite, raciness, sharpness
- 辛さ
- a strong odor or taste property; "the pungency of mustard"; "the sulfurous bite of garlic"; "the sharpness of strange spices"; "the raciness of the wine"
- 強烈な匂いや味の特性
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