英日字典: 苦しみ
8 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- distress, suffering, hurt
- 艱苦, 苦しみ, 苦痛, 苦衷, 悩み, 苦渋, 苦艱, 苦悩, 疾苦, 苦患
- psychological suffering; "the death of his wife caused him great distress"
- 心理的苦痛
- hardship, hard knocks, adversity
- 苦しみ, 不幸せ, 御難, 憂き目, 貧苦, 辛苦, 憂目, 難儀, 渋難, 困苦, 困難, 痛事, 逆境, 不仕合わせ, 憂き節, 憂節, 苦難, 悲境, 苦境, 困窮
- a state of misfortune or affliction; "debt-ridden farmers struggling with adversity"; "a life of hardship"
- 不幸なもしくは苦痛な状態
- pain, hurting
- 苦しみ, 痛み, 苦痛, 苦しさ, 痛苦, 疼痛
- a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder; "the patient developed severe pain and distension"
- 肉体的な傷か疾患の症状
- painfulness, pain
- 苦しみ, 痛み, 難儀さ, 苦痛, 傷み, 苦痛なこと, 苦楚, 苦しさ, 憂苦, 苦, 辛さ, 難渋さ, 痛苦, 苦悩
- emotional distress; a fundamental feeling that people try to avoid; "the pain of loneliness"
- 感情的な苦悩
- torment, anguish, torture
- 悶, 苦しみ, 懊悩煩悶, 責苦, 苦痛, 惨痛, 憂悶, 苦, 心労, 懊悩, 責め苦, 煩悶懊悩, 患苦, 悶え, 痛苦, 悩乱, 苦悩, 苦患, 苦悶
- extreme mental distress
- 極端な精神的苦痛
- torment, agony, torture
- 苦しみ, 苦痛, 水火, 窮愁, 八苦, 悩み, ディストレス, 苦しさ, 苦, 煩い, 患苦, 重苦, 倒懸, 苦艱, 苦悩, 苦患
- intense feelings of suffering; acute mental or physical pain; "an agony of doubt"; "the torments of the damned"
- 強い苦しみの感情
- suffering, hurt
- 艱苦, 苦しみ, 痛み, 四苦八苦, 辛酸, 苦痛, 苦辛, 傷み, 苦衷, 悩み, 渋難, 苦しむこと, 困難, 苦, 辛さ, 苦艱, 苦悩, 疾苦, 苦患
- feelings of mental or physical pain
- 精神的または肉体的な苦痛
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