英日字典: 近くに
3 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- approximately, more or less, close to, some, just about, or so, about, roughly, around
- ざっと, 略, かれこれ, ほぼ, ほとんど, 近くに, 先ず, 無慮, おおよそ, 粗々, 凡そ, 殆ど, 大凡, 粗粗, 凡, 約, およそ
- (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct; "lasted approximately an hour"; "in just about a minute"; "he's about 30 years old"; "I've had about all I can stand"; "we meet about once a month"; "some forty people came"; "weighs around a hundred pounds"; "roughly $3,000"; "holds 3 gallons, more or less"; "20 or so people were at the party"
- (量について)不正確であるがとても正確に近い
- near, nigh, close
- 近くに, 近々, 近近, ちかぢか
- near in time or place or relationship; "as the wedding day drew near"; "stood near the door"; "don't shoot until they come near"; "getting near to the true explanation"; "her mother is always near"; "The end draws nigh"; "the bullet didn't come close"; "don't get too close to the fire"
- 時間または場所または関係において近い
- about, around
- 近くに, あたりに
- in the area or vicinity; "a few spectators standing about"; "hanging around"; "waited around for the next flight"
- 地域または近所で
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