英日字典: 非凡
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- prodigy
- 秀才, 鬼才, 驚異, 非凡, 天才, 儁秀, 神童, 異才, 駿才, 俊秀, 俊才
- an unusually gifted or intelligent (young) person; someone whose talents excite wonder and admiration; "she is a chess prodigy"
- 異常に才能のあるか知的な(若い)人
- extraordinary
- 異例, 特別, とてつもない, 途方もない, 図無し, 異常, 非常, 並みはずれ, 途轍も無い, 非凡, むやみやたら, 並み外れ, 図無, 桁違い, 桁外れ, 格別, 超凡, 箆棒, 稀代, 並外れ, 抜群, 人並み外れた, ベラボウ, 希代, べら棒, ケタ外れ, けた外れ, べらぼう, 只ならぬ
- beyond what is ordinary or usual; highly unusual or exceptional or remarkable; "extraordinary authority"; "an extraordinary achievement"; "her extraordinary beauty"; "enjoyed extraordinary popularity"; "an extraordinary capacity for work"; "an extraordinary session of the legislature"
- 通常または普通であるものをを越えて
- rare, uncommon
- 異常, 非凡, 珍しい
- marked by an uncommon quality; especially superlative or extreme of its kind; "what is so rare as a day in June"-J.R.Lowell; "a rare skill"; "an uncommon sense of humor"; "she was kind to an uncommon degree"
- 珍しい品質によって特徴づけられる
- uncommon
- 異色, 異常, 並みはずれ, 風変わり, 非凡, 稀, 並み外れ, 奇矯, 徒ならぬ, 希有, 超凡, 稀代, 並外れ, 人並み外れた, 希代, 稀有, 希, 珍しい, 只ならぬ
- not common or ordinarily encountered; unusually great in amount or remarkable in character or kind; "uncommon birds"; "frost and floods are uncommon during these months"; "doing an uncommon amount of business"; "an uncommon liking for money"; "he owed his greatest debt to his mother's uncommon character and ability"
- 一般的でない、または通常遭遇されない
- remarkable, singular
- 異様, 異色, 異常, 非凡, 出色
- unusual or striking; "a remarkable sight"; "such poise is singular in one so young"
- 珍しい、または衝撃的な
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