英日字典: 奇矯
8 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- quirkiness, queerness, oddity, crotchet, quirk
- 珍妙さ, 奇僻, ひと癖, 奇癖, 風変わり, 一癖, 奇矯, 奇異, 風変り, 粋狂
- a strange attitude or habit
- 奇妙な態度や習慣
- peculiarity, distinguishing characteristic, distinctive feature
- 珍, 特殊さ, 異相, 特異性, 特異さ, 異常, ひと癖, 風変わり, 一癖, 奇矯, 風変り, 特殊性, 特殊
- an odd or unusual characteristic
- 奇妙な、あるいは珍しい性質
- unusual, strange
- 奇態, 奇奇怪怪, 可笑しい, 可笑しげ, 異様, 不思議, 妙ちきりん, 奇体, きっかい, 変わった, 突飛, へんてこ, 特別, 新奇, 妖しげ, 物珍しい, 異常, 不可思議, 怪奇, 風変わり, 面妖, 変てこ, 妙ちき, 怪異, 怪しげ, 一種異様, 珍妙, けったい, 変, 奇怪, 奇妙, 奇矯, 変梃, 妙, 怪しい, 妖しい, 怪態, 変ちき, 奇っ怪, 変梃りん, 奇, 珍奇, 奇々怪々
- being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or even a bit weird; "a strange exaltation that was indefinable"; "a strange fantastical mind"; "what a strange sense of humor she has"
- 明らかに並外れていて予想外であるさま
- odd
- 奇態, 異様, 妙ちきりん, 奇体, へんちくりん, 突飛, へんてこ, 妙竹林, 変ちくりん, 変ちきりん, 異常, 妙ちき, けったい, 変, 妙ちくりん, 奇妙, 奇矯, 妙, 奇異, 変てこりん, 希代, 変ちき, 変梃りん, 奇, 希体, 異
- not easily explained; "it is odd that his name is never mentioned"
- 容易に説明されない
- curious, funny, queer, odd, rummy, rum, peculiar, singular
- 奇態, 可笑しい, 異様, 妙ちきりん, 奇体, 変わった, へんてこ, 妙竹林, 変ちくりん, 変ちきりん, おかしい, 可笑しな, 風変わり, 変てこ, 妙ちき, けったい, 変, 妙ちくりん, 奇妙, 奇矯, 変梃, 妙, 奇異, 変てこりん, 風変り, 変ちき, 変梃りん
- beyond or deviating from the usual or expected; "a curious hybrid accent"; "her speech has a funny twang"; "they have some funny ideas about war"; "had an odd name"; "the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves"; "something definitely queer about this town"; "what a rum fellow"; "singular behavior"
- 通常あるいは予想を越えて、から逸脱するさま
- off-the-wall, freaky, flakey, outlandish, freakish, outre, flaky, eccentric, bizarre, gonzo
- 奇奇怪怪, 突飛, 奇抜, 奇怪千万, 異常, 狂逸, 怪奇, 風変わり, 珍妙, けったい, 一風変った, 変, 一風変わった, エキセントリック, 奇怪, 奇矯, 妙, 奇異, 風変り, 奇, エクセントリック, 奇々怪々
- conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual; "restaurants of bizarre design--one like a hat, another like a rabbit"; "famed for his eccentric spelling"; "a freakish combination of styles"; "his off-the-wall antics"; "the outlandish clothes of teenagers"; "outre and affected stage antics"
- 目立って、著しく型破りまたは普通でない
- uncommon
- 異色, 異常, 並みはずれ, 風変わり, 非凡, 稀, 並み外れ, 奇矯, 徒ならぬ, 希有, 超凡, 稀代, 並外れ, 人並み外れた, 希代, 稀有, 希, 珍しい, 只ならぬ
- not common or ordinarily encountered; unusually great in amount or remarkable in character or kind; "uncommon birds"; "frost and floods are uncommon during these months"; "doing an uncommon amount of business"; "an uncommon liking for money"; "he owed his greatest debt to his mother's uncommon character and ability"
- 一般的でない、または通常遭遇されない
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