英日字典: 鬼胎
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- anxiety
- 患い, 憂虞, 鬼胎, 懸念, 憂い, 心配, 煩慮, 不安, 患え, 畏れ, 煩い, 憂え, 憂慮, 物案じ
- a vague unpleasant emotion that is experienced in anticipation of some (usually ill-defined) misfortune
- (通常不明確な)不幸な出来事が起こるのではと思う、あいまいな不快感
- anxiousness, anxiety
- 気遣しさ, 気づかわしさ, 物思, 気苦労, 憂虞, 鬼胎, 気扱い, 懸念, 気懸かり, 憂い, 憂事, 心許無さ, 心くばり, 心配, 気遣い, 悲歎, 気遣, 不安, 気がかり, 憂い事, 心もとなさ, 不安心, 患え, 憂, 憂心, 恐れ, 悲嘆, 愁い事, 気掛かり, 気掛り, 気遣わしさ, 気扱, 心労, 心配り, 心遣い, 気骨, 愁事, 心許なさ, 憂え, 憂慮, 物案じ, 恐, 怖れ, 不吉, 惧れ, 物思い, 苦悶
- (psychiatry) a relatively permanent state of worry and nervousness occurring in a variety of mental disorders, usually accompanied by compulsive behavior or attacks of panic
- 心配と神経過敏の比較的永続する状態で、様々な精神障害で起こり、通常、強迫観念に取り付かれた行動またはパニックの発作を伴う
- concern, fear, care
- 危惧, 気づかい, 患い, 憂虞, 鬼胎, 懸念, 気懸かり, 憂懼, 心配, 気遣い, 気遣, 気がかり, 憂惧, 顧み, 憂心, 恐れ, 危懼, 気掛かり, 気掛り, 気扱, 患, 危虞, 憂え, 憂患, 憂慮, 危疑, 怖れ, 惧れ, 顧
- an anxious feeling; "care had aged him"; "they hushed it up out of fear of public reaction"
- 心配な気持ち
- dread, apprehension, apprehensiveness
- 虞, 鬼胎, 懸念, 心配, 不安, 不安心, 怖, 恐れ, 畏れ, 憂慮, 恐, 怖れ, 惧れ, 懸念すること
- fearful expectation or anticipation; "the student looked around the examination room with apprehension"
- 恐れの混じった予感または予期
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