

英英字典: worn_out

Overview of verb wear_out

The verb wear out has 3 senses

Overview of adj worn_out

The adj worn out has 1 sense

  • exhausted, dog-tired, fagged, fatigued, played out, spent, washed-out, worn-out, worn out -- (drained of energy or effectiveness; extremely tired; completely exhausted; "the day's shopping left her exhausted"; "he went to bed dog-tired"; "was fagged and sweaty"; "the trembling of his played out limbs"; "felt completely washed-out"; "only worn-out horses and cattle"; "you look worn out")

The adj worn-out has 1 sense

  • raddled, worn-out -- (used until no longer useful; "battered trumpets and raddled radios"; "worn-out shoes with flapping soles")

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