

英漢字典: 穿

KK 音標
〔 ˋpєnәˏtret 〕
〔 ˊpenitreit 〕

〈 pen.e.trate 〉


pen.e.trat.ed, pen.e.trat.ing, pen.e.trates


1 刺入; 穿過; 穿透

2 a. 滲透

The insistent rhythm of piano practice penetrated each room of the house. 鋼琴練習的持續節奏滲入了屋子的每一個房間

b. 浸, 泡

3 將陰莖插入 (陰道, 肛門)

4 滲入; 潛入 (組織等, 為求控制或取得情報)

5 進入 (市場)

penetrated the home-computer market with an affordable new model以一種消費者買得起的新型家用電腦打進市場

6 洞悉; 明瞭

7 看穿; 看透

keen eyes that penetrate the darkness 穿透黑暗的銳利目光

8 深深地影響; 深深感動


1 穿透, 穿過

2 進入, 滲入

3 洞悉; 洞察



穿, 戴, 用力拉

KK 音標
〔 wZr 〕
〔 wZә 〕

〈 wear 〉



wore, worn, wear.ing, wears


1 穿; 戴

wearing a jacket 穿著一件夾克

must wear a seat belt 一定要繫上安全帶

2 戴

wears glasses 戴眼鏡

3 帶著

always wears a smile 總是面帶微笑

4 保持; 留

wears her hair long 留長髮

5 漆…色

6 磨損; 穿壞

rocks worn away by the sea 岩石被海侵蝕

shoes worn down at the heels 鞋跟磨壞了

7 磨蝕

eventually wore hollows in the stone steps 石階上最後磨出坑坑洞洞的

8 磨破

wore the clothes to rags 把衣服穿破了

pebbles worn smooth 小石子被磨得很平滑

9 使疲乏; 使力竭

Your incessant criticism has worn my patience.你不斷的批評使我失去耐性



1 a. 耐用

a fabric that will wear 耐用的布

b. 保持不變

a friendship that wears well 持久不變的友情

2 磨損; 耗損

The rear tires began to wear. 後輪開始磨損了

3 過去

The hours wore on. 時間點滴地過去



1 穿用; 使用

The coat has had heavy wear. 常穿的外套

2 特殊場合所穿的服裝

rain wear 雨衣

foot wear 鞋; 襪

3 磨損; 破舊

4 抗磨損; 耐用

The engine has plenty of wear left. 這引擎十分耐用

wear down

磨損; 使疲倦

wear off


The drug wore off. 藥效漸漸消失

wear out

1 耗損; 用壞

2 經常使用

3 精疲力盡

4 〔主美南〕 打屁股

I'm going to wear you out! 我要打你屁股!


wear the pants (trousers)

〔口語〕 家中掌權

wear thin

1 漸漸變弱

Her patience is wearing thin. 她愈來愈沒耐性

2 (因經常使用) 變得不可信

excuses that are wearing thin 愈來愈沒人相信的藉口



〈 wear 〉

pl. wore





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