

英漢字典: 認為

KK 音標
〔 kәnˋsIdZ 〕
〔 kәnˊsidә 〕

〈 con.si.der 〉



considered, considering, considers


1 仔細考慮

2 想, 認為

3 判斷

considers waste to be criminal 認為浪費是有罪的

4 考量

Her success is not surprising if you consider her excellent training.如果你考量過她所受的精湛的訓練, 你對她的成功就不會訝異了

5 顧及

failed to consider the feelings of others 沒有顧及到他人的感覺

6 視作, 認為

7 慎重地考慮


慎思; 深思熟慮



KK 音標
〔 θIŋk 〕
〔 θiŋk 〕

〈 think 〉



thought, thinking, thinks


1 思考

2 a. 分析; 想

Think how complex language is. 想想語言是如此的複雜

Think the matter through. 把這件事想通

b. 以理性, 沈思來做決定

thinking what to do 決定該怎麼做

3 判斷

I think it only fair. 我覺得它是非常公平的

4 相信; 假設

always thought he was right 我本來一直相信他是對的

5 a. 希望; 期望

They thought she'd arrived early. 他們希望她能早點到

b. 打算

They thought they'd take their time. 他們打算慢慢做

6 憶起; 想起

I can't think what her name was. 我想不起她的名字

7 影像浮現腦海; 想像

Think what a scene it will be at the reunion.想像一下聚會時會是什麼樣的情況

8 構思

thought up a plan to get rich quick 想想看有什麼計畫可以快一點致富

9 因心裡思慮而至…

He thought himself into a panic over the impending examination.他因為心裡一直想著即將到來的考試而陷入恐慌

10 集中心思

"Think languor" (Diana Vreeland) 好好的思考一下


1 思考, 思慮

2 考量; 考慮

They are thinking about moving. 他們考慮搬家

3 a. 想像

No one before had thought of bifocal glasses.以前沒人想過會有兩個焦距的眼鏡

b. 回憶起…情景

She thought of her childhood when she saw the movie.她看這部電影而回想起她的童年

4 以為

He thinks of himself as a wit. 他自以為聰明

It is later than you think. 現在的時間比你想的還晚

5 顧慮

Think first of the ones you love. 要先顧慮你所愛的人

6 認為

Do you think so? 你心裡真的這麼想嗎?


〔口語〕 (需要花精力才能) 理解的

a think book 艱深難懂的書




come to think of it

〔口語〕 仔細想一想

Come to think of it, that road back there was the one we were supposed to take. 仔細想一想, 有一條是我們該走的路

think oloud (out loud)


think nothing of

毫不在乎…, 把…不當一回事

thought nothing of a 50-mile trip every day 不在乎每天來回五十哩

think twice


I'd think twice before spending all that money.在花這麼多錢前我要考慮周詳一點

KK 音標
〔 dim 〕
〔 diːm 〕

〈 deem 〉


deemed, deeming, deems


視為, 認為, 以為


視為, 以為

KK 音標
〔 ˋfIgjZ,ˋfIgZ 〕
〔 ˊfiɡә 〕

〈 figure 〉



〔縮〕 fig.

1 a. 符號; 數字

b. (常作 figures) 數學計算

good at figures 擅長計算

c. 數量

sold for a large figure 賣了很多

2 a.『數學』幾何圖形

A triangle is a plane figure. 三角形是平面圖形

b. 外形; 輪廓

c. 身材

d. 事物; 形狀

saw figures dashing down the street 看到一些身影衝向街去

3 a. 人物; 名人

a famous historical figure 一個有名的歷史人物

b. 人物; 形象

became a tragic figure overnight 一夜之間變成悲劇人物

4 形象; 外表

cuts a dashing figure 雕刻成雄糾糾的模樣

5 象徵; 代表

6 像; 人形

7 a. 圖案

b. 設計; 樣式

silk with a paisley figure 具有華麗圖樣的絲織品

8 拓印出來的圖形

9 a. 舞步的組合

b. 花式 (溜冰)

10『音樂』音型; 音的修飾

11『邏輯』(三段論的) 格


figured, figuring, figures



2 描模; 描繪

3 (以圖形, 設計) 裝飾


5 〔口語〕

a. 推論; 相信; 預測

I never figured that this would happen. 我從未料到這件事會發生

b. 視為; 認為

figured them as con artists 把他們視為詐騙的藝術家



2 a. 居於顯要的地位

b. 關聯; 牽涉

politicians who figured in the scandal 涉及那件醜聞的政治家

3 〔口語〕 有理的; 可解釋的

It figures. 這講得通

figure in

算入; 包括

figured in travel expenses 把旅費算進去

figure on


1 指望; 依賴

We figured on your support. 我們指望你的支持

2 考慮; 預期

I figured on an hour's delay. 我預期延誤一個小時

3 計劃

We figure on leaving at noon. 我們計劃中午離開

figure out


1 發現; 決定

Let's figure out a way to help. 讓我們決定如何去協助

2 解決; 想出

Can you figure out this puzzle? 你能想出這個謎底嗎?

KK 音標
〔 ˋrєkәn 〕
〔 ˊrekәn 〕

〈 reck.on 〉


reckoned, reckon.ing, reckons


1 計算

reckon the cost 計算成本

2 認為; 視為

3 〔口語〕 想; 推想


1 計算

2 指望

reckon with

處理; 應付

〈 1.mistake for 誤認為 〉

*I am sorry,I took you for your brother.對不起,我把你誤認為你哥哥了。

*What does he take us for?他把我們當作什麼人?

*When he worked in the countryside,he used to take wheat for barley.當他在農村勞動時,經常把小麥看成大麥。

*At first they took him for a foreigner.最初他們把他當成了外國人。

2.assume to be假定是;認為是

*I took it for the truth.我認為那是真的。

*Make no mistake.Don't take him for a fool;he is anything but that.別搞錯了,不要把他當傻瓜,他決不是那種人。
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