KK 音標 | 〔 ˋdɑmәˏnet 〕 |
國際音標 | 〔 ˊdɒmineit 〕 |
dom.i.nat.ed, dom.i.nat.ing, dom.i.nates
1 支配; 統治
Successful leaders dominate events rather than react to them. 成功的領導者支配事件而不受事件支配
2 影響; 主控
Ambition dominated their lives. 野心主宰了他們的生活
3 控制; 掌握
a drug company that dominates the tranquilizer market 一家控制了鎮靜劑市場的藥廠
4 鳥瞰; 俯視
a view from the cliffside chalet that dominates the valley 自懸崖邊的小木屋可俯瞰整山谷的視野
1 支配; 威迫
2 佔優勢