〈 pen 〉
1 a. 原子筆
b. 鋼筆
c. 筆尖
d. 筆架及筆尖
e. 鵝毛筆
2 筆 (表達的工具或武器)
"Tyranny has no enemy so formidable as the pen." (William Cobbett)暴政最畏懼的敵人就是筆
3 作家, 作者
a hired pen 受雇的作者
4 作品風格
wrote plays with a witty pen 以詼諧的文筆寫劇本
5 (常作 pens) 翼, 翅膀
6 (烏賊內部的) 羽狀殼
penned, pen.ning, pens
〈 pen 〉
1 a. 畜欄
b. (圍欄中的) 牲畜
c. 圍欄
2 (潛水艇的) 修理塢
penned (pent), pen.ning, pens
〈 pen 〉
1 雌天鵝
2 畜欄
3 牲畜
4 圍欄
〈 pen 〉
監獄, 囚房
〈 P.E.N. 〉
(略) (International Association of) Poets,Playwrights,Editors,Essayists,& Novelists國際筆會
(1922 年創立于英國倫敦)
〈 P.E.N. 〉
〔略〕 (International Association of) Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists, and Novelists 國際筆會
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