

英漢字典: toss

KK 音標
〔 tɒs 〕
〔 tɒs 〕




tossed, toss.ing, toss.es


1 扔; 拋; 擲

tossed the letter in the wastebasket 把信扔進紙屑簍裏

2 使…搖蕩

boats that were tossed by the storm 被風暴吹得顛簸不已的小船

3 輕拌 (沙拉)

4 議論; 交換意見

tossed the idea around 四處議論此項構想

5 突然抬起; 舉起 (頭部)

"tossing their heads in sprightly dance" (William Wordsworth)在輕盈活潑的舞步中舉起它們的頭來

6 擾亂; 使…不安

7 打倒

ducked the blow and tossed his opponent 閃過對手的攻擊並打倒他

8 a. 擲錢幣 (作決定)

b. 與 (某人) 擲錢幣

I'll toss you to see who goes first. 我和你用擲錢幣的方法來決定誰先去


1 拋來拋去

2 翻來覆去

toss in one's sleep 翻來覆去睡不著

3 擲錢幣 (看其正反) 決定


1 扔; 拋; 擲

2 投擲的距離

3 猛抬; 舉 (頭部)

4 由擲錢幣決定的事

The home team won the toss and elected to kick off. 地主隊擲錢幣贏了, 所以由他們開球

toss down

〔口語〕 把…一飲而盡

toss off


1 一飲而盡; 乾杯

2 輕而易舉地做 (完成)

"technicians who can toss off the Romantic blockbusters with stupendous speed and ease" (Annalyn Swan)技巧熟練的作家能快速而容易地完成驚人聳動的羅曼蒂克的小說

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