

英漢字典: 摧毀

KK 音標
〔 dIˋstrɒI 〕
〔 disˊtrɒi 〕

〈 de.stroy 〉



destroyed, destroy.ing, destroys


1 損毀; 毀壞; 破壞

The ancient manuscripts were destroyed by fire.那些古代的手稿被一場火全部燒毀

2 撕下; 分解; 粉碎

3 消滅; 終結

"In crowded populations, poverty destroys the possibility of cleanliness." (George Bernard Shaw)在擁擠的人口中, 貧窮消滅了潔淨的可能性

4 殺死; 殺戮

destroy a rabid dog 殺死一隻瘋狗

5 摧毀; 擊潰; 敉平

The rebel forces were destroyed in battle.叛軍的武力已於戰役中被敉平

6 使無效; 使無用

destroyed the testimony of the prosecution's chief witness使原告律師主要證人的證詞無效


破壞; 損毀; 引起毀壞; 導致毀滅

"Too much money destroys as surely as too little." (John Simon)太多的金錢與太少的金錢一樣, 都會導致毀滅

〈 1. cause to be down from its place by pulling把…拉下 〉

*His hat was pulled well down over his eyes so that nobody would guess his true identity.他把帽沿拉得很下,幾乎遮住了眼睛,使人猜不清他是誰。

2.destroy;demolish(a building)破壞;拆毀(建築物)

*It is easy to pull down the old world than to build the new.破壞舊世界容易,但要建設新世界就難了。

*They pulled down the old shop and built a supermarket.他們拆掉了舊商店,建起了一個超級市場。


*He pulls down quite a lot of money in his new job.新工作使他掙了許多錢。

*Tom always pulled down the highest grades in school.湯姆在學校總得最高分。

4.weaken(sb.) in health使身體虛弱

*A really bad cold pulls you down and leaves you feeling very miserable.重感冒會使你身體虛弱,讓你感到很難受。

*That long spell in hospital pulled him down a lot.那次長時間生病住院使他的體質大大變差了。


*They intend to pull him down a bit.他們想挫挫他的銳氣。

*One is not sorry to see the proud pulled down.看到自高自大的人被拉下來,誰都不會惋惜。

KK 音標
〔 smæʃ 〕
〔 smæʃ 〕

〈 smash 〉



smashed, smash.ing, smashes


1 打碎; 衝破; 砸碎

2 a. 投擲; 摔破

b. 重擊; 毆打


4 擊潰; 毀壞

smashed all resistance 擊潰所有的阻力


1 碰撞; 撞擊

The car smashed into a tree. 這輛車撞上大樹

2 破碎; 碎裂


4 毀壞; 摧毀

5 破產; 倒閉


1 a. 摔碎; 砸碎; 破碎聲

b. 破碎; 粉碎

2 a. 瓦解; 毀滅

b. 破產; 倒閉

3 互撞; 墜毀

4 a. 飲料 (以薄荷, 糖, 蘇打水, 白蘭地等調製而成)

b. 果汁


6 〔口語〕 大成功

The play was a smash on Broadway. 這齣劇在百老匯是一個大成功


〔口語〕 大成功的

a smash hit on Broadway 百老匯一個大大的成功


嘩啦地; 破碎地; 轟然地



KK 音標
〔 rєk 〕
〔 rek 〕

〈 wreck 〉



1 失事; 毀滅

2 海難; 船難

3 a. 遇難船的殘骸

b. 遇難破損的船隻及貨物; 漂流物; 殘骸

4 殘骸

5 破毀; 破滅

6 失魂落魄的人


wrecked, wreck.ing, wrecks


1 使破壞

2 拆除; 毀滅

3 遇劫; 毀壞


1 遭受破壞; 失事

2 做為破壞者
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