英日字典: まさしく
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- just, precisely, exactly
- 聢と, 丁度, きちんと, きちんきちん, きちっと, 正に, ちょうど, ぴたっと, きっちり, 将に, かっきり, ちゃんと, 正確, ずばり, きっかり, かっちり, 正しく, まさに, ちょっきり, まさしく, 確と, どんぴしゃり, ぴたり, 当に, 恰度, ぴたりと, ぴったり
- indicating exactness or preciseness; "he was doing precisely (or exactly) what she had told him to do"; "it was just as he said--the jewel was gone"; "it has just enough salt"
- 正確さまたは精密度を示すこと
- unquestionably, definitely, in spades, decidedly, by all odds, emphatically
- 聢と, 疑いなく, 正に, 必ずや, 定めし, 必定, きっと, ぜひ, かならず, 誓って, 確かに, 必ず, 正しく, 明確, まさしく, 是非, 確と, 断じて
- without question and beyond doubt; "it was decidedly too expensive"; "she told him off in spades"; "by all odds they should win"
- 確かにそして紛れもなく
- on the button, precisely, on the nose, exactly, on the dot
- 左様, 正に, 然様, さよう, 将に, 正しく, まさに, まさしく, どんぴしゃり
- just as it should be; "`Precisely, my lord,' he said"
- ちょうどそうなるべきなように
- really, genuinely, truly
- 然も, 現に, 神以て, 全く, 事実, 本に, ほんに, 実際に, 実以て, じつに, 実にや, 現実, 真, 神以って, 実にも, 本当に, 本当, 実に, 誠, とっと, 誠に, 正しく, 真に, 純粋, まったく, まさしく, 如何にも, 実, 寔に, 神もって, まことに, 真実, さね, 実際, 悉皆
- in accordance with truth or fact or reality; "she was now truly American"; "a genuinely open society"; "they don't really listen to us"
- 真実、事実または現実に従って
- precisely, incisively, exactly
- 聢と, 丁度, きちんと, きちっと, 正に, ちょうど, ぴたっと, きっちり, 将に, ちゃんと, 正確, ずばり, 正しく, まさに, まさしく, 確と, どんぴしゃり, ぴたり, 恰度, ぴたりと, ぴったり
- in a precise manner; "she always expressed herself precisely"
- 正確な方法で
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