英日字典: 不正確
10 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- uncertainty, uncertainness, precariousness
- 不確定度, 疑惑, 危なさ, 懐疑, 怪訝, 心許無さ, 不確実さ, 不明, 半信半疑, 不確実, 心もとなさ, 不安心, 疑しさ, 怪しさ, 不審, 疑り, 疑い, 不定, 不明瞭, 心許なさ, 不正確, 頼りなさ, 疑念, 不安定さ, 疑わしさ
- being unsettled or in doubt or dependent on chance; "the uncertainty of the outcome"; "the precariousness of his income"
- 未解決の、未決定の、または偶然の
- inaccuracy
- 不正確さ, 不正確, 不実
- the quality of being inaccurate and having errors
- 不正確で、誤りのある品質
- inaccurately
- 不正確
- in an inaccurate manner; "this student works rather inaccurately and sloppily"
- 不正確な方法で
- incorrect, wrong
- 間違った, 不正確
- not correct; not in conformity with fact or truth; "an incorrect calculation"; "the report in the paper is wrong"; "your information is wrong"; "the clock showed the wrong time"; "found themselves on the wrong road"; "based on the wrong assumptions"
- 正しくない
- inaccurate
- 不正確, 不確か
- not exact; "an inaccurate translation"; "the thermometer is inaccurate"
- 正確でない
- faulty, incorrect, wrong
- 不正確
- characterized by errors; not agreeing with a model or not following established rules; "he submitted a faulty report"; "an incorrect transcription"; the wrong side of the road"
- 誤りで特徴づけられる
- unsure, uncertain, incertain
- おぼつかなげ, 覚束無い, 危ない, 不慥か, 訝しい, 胡乱, 不確実, 心許ない, おぼつかない, 覚束ない, 覚束なげ, 危なっかしい, いぶかしい, 怪しい, 不正確, 危うい, 不確か, 疑わしい, あやふや
- lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance; "uncertain of his convictions"; "unsure of himself and his future"; "moving with uncertain (or unsure) steps"; "an uncertain smile"; "touched the ornaments with uncertain fingers"
- 信用または保証が足りない、または足りないことを示している
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