英日字典: 不明
12 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- uncertainty, uncertainness, precariousness
- 不確定度, 疑惑, 危なさ, 懐疑, 怪訝, 心許無さ, 不確実さ, 不明, 半信半疑, 不確実, 心もとなさ, 不安心, 疑しさ, 怪しさ, 不審, 疑り, 疑い, 不定, 不明瞭, 心許なさ, 不正確, 頼りなさ, 疑念, 不安定さ, 疑わしさ
- being unsettled or in doubt or dependent on chance; "the uncertainty of the outcome"; "the precariousness of his income"
- 未解決の、未決定の、または偶然の
- unexplained
- 不明, 未解明
- having the reason or cause not made clear; "an unexplained error"
- 理由または原因を明白にしておかないさま
- uncertain
- 覚束無い, 未定, 不慥か, 不確定, 不明, おぼろげ, 不確実, おぼつかない, 覚束ない, 怪しい, 不確か, 疑わしい, あやふや
- not established beyond doubt; still undecided or unknown; "an uncertain future"; "a manuscript of uncertain origin"; "plans are still uncertain"; "changes of great if uncertain consequences"; "without further evidence his story must remain uncertain"
- 全く確立していない
- indistinct
- はつか, 縹渺たる, 幽微, 朧気, 朧げ, 幽か, 不明, おぼろげ, 微か, 朧ろげ, かすか, 見づらい, 不鮮明, 見にくい, 不明瞭, 朦朧たる, 漠然たる, 縹緲たる, 見辛い
- not clearly defined or easy to perceive or understand; "indistinct shapes in the gloom"; "an indistinct memory"; "only indistinct notions of what to do"
- 明確に定義されていない、または感知するあるいは理解することが容易ではない
- unknown
- 名も無い, 不明, 名もない, 不詳
- not known; "an unknown amount"; "an unknown island"; "an unknown writer"; "an unknown source"
- 知られない
- unexplained
- 不明
- not explained; "accomplished by some unexplained process"
- 説明されない
- obscure, vague
- 空漠たる, 不分明, 曖眛, 不明, 有耶無耶, 曖昧模糊たる, 曖昧, 不得要領, 不明瞭, 曖昧模糊, あいまい, 漠然たる, うやむや, あやふや
- not clearly understood or expressed; "an obscure turn of phrase"; "an impulse to go off and fight certain obscure battles of his own spirit"-Anatole Broyard; "their descriptions of human behavior become vague, dull, and unclear"- P.A.Sorokin; "vague...forms of speech...have so long passed for mysteries of science"- John Locke
- 明確に理解されないか、または表現されない
- obscure, dark
- 茫茫たる, 空漠たる, 不分明, 不明, 漠たる, 茫然たる, 茫々たる, 不明瞭, 曖昧模糊, 朦朧たる, あいまい, 晦渋, 茫乎たる, 隠微, 漠然たる, 茫漠たる, かい渋
- marked by difficulty of style or expression; "much that was dark is now quite clear to me"; "those who do not appreciate Kafka's work say his style is obscure"
- スタイルまたは表現での困難さによって強調される
- unlettered, ignorant, nescient, unlearned
- 無知, 不案内, 不明, 不学
- uneducated in general; lacking knowledge or sophistication; "an ignorant man"; "nescient of contemporary literature"; "an unlearned group incapable of understanding complex issues"; "exhibiting contempt for his unlettered companions"
- 一般に無学の
- unidentified
- 不明
- not yet identified; "an unidentified species"; "an unidentified witness"
- まだ確認されていない
- unwise
- 浅短, 浅墓, 不明, 愚か
- showing or resulting from lack of judgment or wisdom; "an unwise investor is soon impoverished"
- 判断または良識の欠如を示すまたはから生じた
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