英日字典: 呑込む
9 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- get down, swallow
- 呑込む, 飲み下す, 呑み下す, 飲込む, 飲み込む, 飲下す, 呑下す, 飲みこむ, 呑みこむ, 呑みくだす, 嚥下, 呑み込む, 飲みくだす
- pass through the esophagus as part of eating or drinking; "Swallow the raw fish--it won't kill you!"
- 飲食することの一部として、食道を通過する
- pop, drink down, down, kill, pour down, toss off, belt down, bolt down
- 呑込む, 飲み下す, 飲干す, 呑み干す, 飲乾す, 飲込む, 飲下す, 飲みこむ, 呑みこむ, 飲み乾す, 飲みほす, 飲み干す
- drink down entirely; "He downed three martinis before dinner"; "She killed a bottle of brandy that night"; "They popped a few beer after work"
- 完全に飲んでしまう
- sympathize, understand, empathise, empathize, sympathise
- 呑込む, 会釈, わかる, 同情, 了解, 諒解, 分る, 事解, 領会, 理解, 分かる, かみ分ける, 呑みこむ, 同感, 受け取る, 領解, 呑み込む, 会得, 判る
- be understanding of; "You don't need to explain--I understand!"
- を理解している
- choke off, choke back, choke down
- 呑込む, 呑み下す, 飲む, 飲込む, 飲下す, 呑下す, 飲みこむ, 呑みこむ, 呑みくだす, 呑み込む, 飲みくだす
- suppress; "He choked down his rage"
- 我慢する
- sop up, take in, suck up, take up, soak up, absorb, suck, imbibe, draw
- 呑込む, 吸入れる, 取り込む, 吸い込む, 吸い上げる, 吸込む, 吸容れる, とり込む, 吸いとる, 吸い入れる, 吸取る, 吸いいれる, 吸い容れる, 吸い取る, 呑みこむ, 吸いこむ, 吸収, 採り入れる, 吸上げる, 呑み込む, 吸引, 吸いあげる, 吸う
- take in, also metaphorically; "The sponge absorbs water well"; "She drew strength from the minister's words"
- また、比喩的に、取り入れる
- get, catch
- 呑込む, 攫む, 掴みとる, 掴む, 感得, 捕える, 飲込む, 把握, 捕らえる, 飲みこむ, 掴み取る, 呑みこむ, 捉える, 呑み込む, 会得
- grasp with the mind or develop an understanding of; "did you catch that allusion?"; "We caught something of his theory in the lecture"; "don't catch your meaning"; "did you get it?"; "She didn't get the joke"; "I just don't get him"
- 心で理解する、理解を深める
- savvy, grok, grasp, apprehend, dig, comprehend, get the picture, compass
- 呑込む, 解る, 了解, 諒解, 掴みとる, 分る, 納得, 領会, 解する, 解せる, 把捉, 汲み取る, 掴む, 領得, 捉らえる, 解す, くみ取る, 汲取る, 読取る, 把握, 分かる, 掴取る, 掴み取る, 呑みこむ, 捉える, 領解, 会得, 読解, 読みとる, 了する, 判る
- get the meaning of something; "Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?"
- 意味をとらえる
- bury, eat up, immerse, swallow up, swallow
- 呑込む, 飲込む, 飲み込む, 飲みこむ, 呑みこむ, 呑み込む
- enclose or envelop completely, as if by swallowing; "The huge waves swallowed the small boat and it sank shortly thereafter"
- まるで飲み込むかのようにして、完全に包み込む、または覆い隠す
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