英日字典: 呼ぶ
12 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- call, name
- と呼ぶ, 銘うつ, 命名, 名づける, 名付ける, 称える, 呼ぶ
- assign a specified (usually proper) proper name to; "They named their son David"; "The new school was named after the famous Civil Rights leader"
- 指定された(通常適切な)正式名称を割り当てる
- call, send for
- 呼出す, 呼び寄せる, 喚び出す, 呼び迎える, 呼びに遣る, 呼びむかえる, 呼び出す, 呼びにやる, 呼ぶ, 呼迎える, 呼びだす
- order, request, or command to come; "She was called into the director's office"; "Call the police!"
- 来るように指図、要求、または命令する
- make, cause, do
- 誘発, 齎す, 発出, 惹起す, 致す, 惹き起こす, 惹起こす, 来たす, 引起す, 齎らす, 招く, 引き起こす, 惹起, 引きおこす, 生み出す, 引き起す, 起す, もたらす, 誘起, 引起こす, 生ずる, 呼ぶ, 起こす, ひき起す, 惹き起す
- give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally; "cause a commotion"; "make a stir"; "cause an accident"
- 引き起こす
- call
- 呼ばる, 名付ける, いう, 呼ぶ
- ascribe a quality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a quality; "He called me a bastard"; "She called her children lazy and ungrateful"
- 品質を反映する普通名詞を特質とみなす、あるいはの名前に与える
- address, call
- 呼ぶ
- greet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name; "He always addresses me with `Sir'"; "Call me Mister"; "She calls him by first name"
- 用意された形体、呼称または名前で挨拶する
- call
- 召し出す, 召す, 呼ぶ, 招集
- challenge (somebody) to make good on a statement; charge with or censure for an offense; "He deserves to be called on that"
- (誰か)声明を遂行する挑戦をする
- invite, ask round, ask over
- 招じる, 招く, 招待, 御呼び, 招客, 請ずる, 請待, 招ずる, 請じる, 呼ぶ
- invite someone to one's house; "Can I invite you for dinner on Sunday night?"
- 家に人を招待する
- call
- 召し出す, 呼び出し, 召す, 呼ぶ
- send a message or attempt to reach someone by radio, phone, etc.; make a signal to in order to transmit a message; "Hawaii is calling!"; "A transmitter in Samoa was heard calling"
- ラジオ、電話などによって、メッセージを送る、または、誰かと連絡を取ろうとする
- summon, cite, summons
- 呼出す, 召し出す, 召喚, 招致, 喚問, 喚び出す, 召致, 召集, 呼び出す, 呼ぶ, 呼びだす, 招集
- call in an official matter, such as to attend court
- 公的な問題で呼び出す、例えば法廷に出席するために
- hollo, cry, squall, call, yell, shout out, scream, holler, shout
- 悲鳴, 喚き叫ぶ, どなる, 叫く, 泣喚く, 喚ばわる, 呼ばる, 咆哮, わめく, 泣き叫ぶ, 叫ぶ, 泣きたてる, 啼泣, 泣き喚く, 泣き立てる, 呻く, 喚く, 泣立てる, 泣叫ぶ, 泣きわめく, 喚呼, 咆吼, 嘯く, 泣きさけぶ, 大呼, 喚き立てる, 号泣, 呼ばわる, 呼ばう, 呼ぶ, 叫喚, 喚叫ぶ, 怒鳴る
- utter a sudden loud cry; "she cried with pain when the doctor inserted the needle"; "I yelled to her from the window but she couldn't hear me"
- 突然、大きい泣き声を発する
- call out
- 呼び上げる, 呼びたてる, 呼号, 呼上げる, 呼び立てる, 大呼, 呼びあげる, 呼ばわる, 呼ばう, 呼ぶ
- call out loudly, as of names or numbers
- 名前や数を大声で叫ぶ
- call
- 召し出す, 召す, 呼ぶ
- rouse somebody from sleep with a call; "I was called at 5 A.M. this morning"
- 呼部ことで誰かを睡眠から目覚めさせる
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