英日字典: invite
KK Pronunciation
〔 InˋvaIt 〕
〔 inˊvait 〕
The invite has 9 Senses.
- invite
- 招待
- a colloquial expression for invitation; "he didn't get no invite to the party"
- 招待の口語的表現
- invite, ask for
- 招く, 招来
- increase the likelihood of; "ask for trouble"; "invite criticism"
- 可能性を増やす
- invite, ask round, ask over
- 招じる, 招く, 招待, 御呼び, 招客, 請ずる, 請待, 招ずる, 請じる, 呼ぶ
- invite someone to one's house; "Can I invite you for dinner on Sunday night?"
- 家に人を招待する
- invite, tempt
- 誘いだす, そそる, 誘引, 誘い出す, 誘い込む, 唆る, 誘いよせる, 誘いかける, 誘惑, 誘い掛ける, 誘い寄せる, 誘う, 誘いこむ, 誘出す, そそり立てる, さそい出す
- give rise to a desire by being attractive or inviting; "the window displays tempted the shoppers"
- 魅力的な、または誘惑する様子によって欲望を生み出す
- invite, bid
- 乞う, 請う
- ask someone in a friendly way to do something
- 何かをするように愛想よくだれかに頼む
- invite, pay for
- 招待
- have as a guest; "I invited them to a restaurant"
- 客として招く
- invite, ask in
- 招じ入れる
- ask to enter; "We invited the neighbors in for a cup of coffee"
- 入りたいと頼む
- invite, call for
- 招待, 促す
- request the participation or presence of; "The organizers invite submissions of papers for the conference"
- 参加、あるいは出席を要請する
- take in, invite, receive
- 受容れる, 受け入れる, 迎える, 迎取る, 迎えとる, 受入れる, 迎え取る, 迎え入れる, 受け容れる, 受けいれる
- express willingness to have in one's home or environs; "The community warmly received the refugees"
- その人の家または近郊を持ちたいという自発的な意欲
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