英日字典: 欺罔
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- trick
- 謀略, 計謀, 詭謀, マヌーバー, 詐術, たくらみ, 謀計, 罠, 姦詐, 術策, 一芝居, 悪巧, 奸詐, 術計, 悪計, 羂, 偽計, 悪だくみ, 企み, 虚実, 計策, 瞞着手段, だまし, 策謀, 姦計, 奸計, 落とし穴, 籌略, わな, 欺罔, 策略, 謀, 企て, 悪巧み, 誑し, トリック, 狡計, マヌーヴァー, 詭計, 籌策
- an attempt to get you to do something foolish or imprudent; "that offer was a dirty trick"
- 愚かで軽率なことを人にさせるような試み
- cozen, lead on, delude, deceive
- まやかす, 謀る, だまし込む, 瞞着, 謀つ, 掠める, 誑かす, 騙しこむ, 騙くらかす, 賺す, 担ぐ, 欺瞞, 瞞す, 騙かす, 騙る, 誑す, だます, 欺罔, 偽る, はめ込む, 詐る, 騙し込む, 欺く, 騙す, 欺す
- be false to; be dishonest with
- いんちきである
- short-change, swindle, bunco, scam, con, victimize, defraud, nobble, gyp, rook, hornswoggle, diddle, gip, goldbrick, mulct
- まやかす, 謀る, 巻上げる, 謀つ, 鴨る, 誑かす, 担ぐ, 騙る, 誑す, 誑る, 巻きあげる, 嵌め込む, 欺罔, 詐取, 誑しこむ, 詐る, 騙す, 誑込む, 誑し込む
- deprive of by deceit; "He swindled me out of my inheritance"; "She defrauded the customers who trusted her"; "the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change"
- 偽りにより奪う
- betray, deceive, lead astray
- 化かす, まやかす, 謀る, ごまかす, たらし込む, 瞞着, 謀つ, いかさま, 鴨る, 乗せる, 誑かす, 騙くらかす, 惑わせる, 賺す, 丸めこむ, 誤魔化す, 欺瞞, 瞞す, 騙かす, 惑わす, いんちき, 騙る, 誑す, だます, 欺罔, 偽る, 計る, 詐る, 騙し込む, 欺く, 騙す, 欺す, 誑し込む
- cause someone to believe an untruth; "The insurance company deceived me when they told me they were covering my house"
- 誰かに虚偽を信じさせる
- cheat, chicane, chouse, jockey, screw, shaft
- まやかす, ごまかす, いかさま, 騙くらかす, 食わす, 欺瞞, 騙かす, 騙る, 引っ懸ける, だます, 欺罔, 偽る, 詐る, 騙す, 欺す, 食わせる
- defeat someone through trickery or deceit
- 詐欺または偽りを通して誰かを打ち倒す
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