英日字典: 殆
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- majority, bulk
- 大抵, 多数派, 殆んど, 大部分, 過半, 台目, 大概, 大部, 大方, 殆, 主流, 過半数, 殆ど, 大多数, 多党, 大半, 多数
- the property resulting from being or relating to the greater in number of two parts; the main part; "the majority of his customers prefer it"; "the bulk of the work is finished"
- 2より大きい部分によって生じる、あるいは、に関連した特性
- much, practically
- ほぼ, 殆
- (degree adverb used before a noun phrase) for all practical purposes but not completely; "much the same thing happened every time"; "practically everything in Hinduism is the manifestation of a god"
- すべての実際的な目的のために、だが完全でなく
- rather, quite
- 余っ程, 相当, 本に, 可也, ほんに, 可成, かなり, とんと, ずいぶん, とっても, 結構, 却々, 殆, 余程, 却却, けっこう, 随分, なかなか
- to a degree (not used with a negative); "quite tasty"; "quite soon"; "quite ill"; "quite rich"
- かなり(否定的には使用されない)
- quite
- ふつに, すっかり, 全く, 頓と, 何共, 完全に, 本に, ほんに, 丸で, まるで, とんと, 殆, まったく, 何とも
- to the greatest extent; completely; "you're quite right"; "she was quite alone"; "was quite mistaken"; "quite the opposite"; "not quite finished"; "did not quite make it"
- 最も大きな範囲で
- quite a, quite, quite an
- よっぽど, 殊の外, 余っ程, 全く, なかなか立派な, 本に, 可也, ほんに, 実際に, 可成, 丸で, まるで, ずいぶん, とっても, 大した, 結構, 実に, 一向, 殆, 余程, 随分
- of an unusually noticeable or exceptional or remarkable kind (not used with a negative); "her victory was quite something"; "she's quite a girl"; "quite a film"; "quite a walk"; "we've had quite an afternoon"
- 異常に目立つ、または、例外的な、または、驚くべき種の(否定的には使用されない)
- near, most, virtually, almost, well-nigh, nigh, about, nearly
- ほぼ, ほとんど, おさおさ, 九分通, 凡そ, 殆, 殆ど, 大凡, あらまし, 凡, 九分通り, 九分どおり
- (of actions or states) slightly short of or not quite accomplished; all but; "the job is (just) about done"; "the baby was almost asleep when the alarm sounded"; "we're almost finished"; "the car all but ran her down"; "he nearly fainted"; "talked for nigh onto 2 hours"; "the recording is well-nigh perfect"; "virtually all the parties signed the contract"; "I was near exhausted by the run"; "most everyone agrees"
- (行動または状態について)少し足りない、または、完全に終わっていない
- practically
- ほとんど, 殆
- almost; nearly; "practically the first thing I saw when I got off the train"; "he was practically the only guest at the party"; "there was practically no garden at all"
- ほぼ
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