英日字典: 珍しい
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- unusual
- 珍, 稀, 希有, 奇, 稀有, 希, 珍しい
- not commonly encountered; "two-career families are no longer unusual"
- 一般的に出会わない
- rare
- まれ, 珍, 滅多にない, 珍らか, 珍か, 稀, 希覯さ, 希有, 滅多に無い, 稀代, 希代, 稀少, 稀有, 希, 希少, 珍奇, 珍しい
- not widely known; especially valued for its uncommonness; "a rare word"; "rare books"
- 広く知られていない
- rare, uncommon
- 異常, 非凡, 珍しい
- marked by an uncommon quality; especially superlative or extreme of its kind; "what is so rare as a day in June"-J.R.Lowell; "a rare skill"; "an uncommon sense of humor"; "she was kind to an uncommon degree"
- 珍しい品質によって特徴づけられる
- rare
- 希覯, まれ, 珍, 偶, 滅多にない, 稀覯, 珍らか, たま, 珍か, 稀, 希有, 滅多に無い, 稀代, 希代, 稀少, 稀有, 希, 希少, 珍しい
- recurring only at long intervals; "a rare appearance"; "total eclipses are rare events"
- 長い休止期間を経てのみ再発するさま
- uncommon
- 異色, 異常, 並みはずれ, 風変わり, 非凡, 稀, 並み外れ, 奇矯, 徒ならぬ, 希有, 超凡, 稀代, 並外れ, 人並み外れた, 希代, 稀有, 希, 珍しい, 只ならぬ
- not common or ordinarily encountered; unusually great in amount or remarkable in character or kind; "uncommon birds"; "frost and floods are uncommon during these months"; "doing an uncommon amount of business"; "an uncommon liking for money"; "he owed his greatest debt to his mother's uncommon character and ability"
- 一般的でない、または通常遭遇されない
- quaint
- 珍, 風変り, 珍奇, 珍しい
- strange in an interesting or pleasing way; "quaint dialect words"; "quaint streets of New Orleans, that most foreign of American cities"
- 面白いか気持ちの良い方向で奇妙な
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