英日字典: 交わり
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- carnal knowledge, coitus, relation, congress, sexual intercourse, sexual relation, sex act, intercourse, sexual congress, copulation, coition
- 性行為, 交接, 関係, 交り, 交合, セックス, 交わり, 交尾, 性交, 媾合, 情交
- the act of sexual procreation between a man and a woman; the man's penis is inserted into the woman's vagina and excited until orgasm and ejaculation occur
- 男性と女性の間の性的な出産の行為
- association, affiliation, tie-up, tie
- 往交い, ソサエティー, 往交, 往来, 付き合い, 提携関係, 往き来, お付き合い, 交わり, 交際, 交じらい, 行通, 行交, 合併, 交らい, 行通い, 交, 行き交い, 往き交い, 行き来, 行交い, 交い
- a social or business relationship; "a valuable financial affiliation"; "he was sorry he had to sever his ties with other members of the team"; "many close associations with England"
- 社会的もしくはビジネス上の関係
- fellowship, companionship, company, society
- つきあい, 人付合, 往交い, 人付き合い, 友好, つきあいのよいこと, 往交, 付き合い, お付き合い, 友交, 交わり, 交際, 交宜, 交じらい, 行交, 仲間であること, 交らい, 同士の交わり, 交, 行き交い, 人付合い, 交遊, 交誼, 往き交い, 仲間付き合い, 行交い, 交い
- the state of being with someone; "he missed their company"; "he enjoyed the society of his friends"
- 人と一緒にいること
- association
- 人付き, 人付合, 往交い, 人付き合い, 社交, 人付, 交り, 往交, 往来, 付き合い, 往き来, 交わり, 交際, 交じらい, 行通, 行交, 交らい, 行通い, 接触, 行き交い, 人付合い, 往き交い, 行き来, 行交い
- the act of consorting with or joining with others; "you cannot be convicted of criminal guilt by association"
- 他人と交わったり仲間になる行為
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