英日字典: defeat 英漢 英英 简体
KK Pronunciation
〔 dIˋfit 〕
〔 diˊfiːt 〕
The defeat has 4 Senses.
defeat , licking 取零し , 敗 , 負戦 , 負け戦 , 負け , 敗北 , 敗け , 取こぼし , 敗軍 , 取りこぼし , 敗戦 , 黒星 , 取零 , 負いくさ , 負けいくさ , 取り零し , 負け軍 , 負軍 , 戦敗 , 負 an unsuccessful ending to a struggle or contest; "it was a narrow defeat"; "the army's only defeat"; "they suffered a convincing licking" 争い、またはか競争の不成功の結末
defeat , frustration 挫折感 , 挫折 the feeling that accompanies an experience of being thwarted in attaining your goals 目標の達成を妨げられる経験から生じる気持ち
defeat , overcome , get the better of 打負かす , 仆す , 打倒す , 負かす , 討ち破る , 剋する , 打ち負かす , 打ち克つ , 討破る , 勝つ , 打ち倒す , 克する , 克つ , 撃ち破る , 打破る , 打ち勝つ , 破る , 打勝つ , 倒す win a victory over; "You must overcome all difficulties"; "defeat your enemies"; "He overcame his shyness"; "He overcame his infirmity"; "Her anger got the better of her and she blew up" 勝利を収める
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