英日字典: 打破る
4 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- trounce, shell, beat, crush, beat out, vanquish
- 遣っつける, ぶっ潰す, うち倒す, 仆す, 撃破る, 撃摧, 粉砕, 押退ける, やっ付ける, 打取る, 討ち破る, 撃破, 討ち止める, 討破る, なぎ倒す, 打ち倒す, 遣っ付ける, やっつける, 一本取る, 薙ぎ倒す, 撃ち破る, 打ち取る, 遣付ける, 降す, 打破る, 下だす, 破る, 撃砕, 下す, 倒す, 制勝
- come out better in a competition, race, or conflict; "Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship"; "We beat the competition"; "Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game"
- 競争、レース及び闘争で相手より上手くやる
- defeat, overcome, get the better of
- 打負かす, 仆す, 打倒す, 負かす, 討ち破る, 剋する, 打ち負かす, 打ち克つ, 討破る, 勝つ, 打ち倒す, 克する, 克つ, 撃ち破る, 打破る, 打ち勝つ, 破る, 打勝つ, 倒す
- win a victory over; "You must overcome all difficulties"; "defeat your enemies"; "He overcame his shyness"; "He overcame his infirmity"; "Her anger got the better of her and she blew up"
- 勝利を収める
- break
- 毀損, 割る, ぶち毀す, たたき壊す, 打ち壊す, 打ち壊し, 毀つ, ぶち壊す, 打ちこわす, ぶっ壊す, 打ち毀す, 打壊, 欠く, 打ちこわし, 打毀す, 打破る, 打壊す, 破る, 打ち毀し, 打割る, 損壊, 毀す
- destroy the integrity of; usually by force; cause to separate into pieces or fragments; "He broke the glass plate"; "She broke the match"
- 完全性を破壊する
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