英日字典: 阻止
12 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- obstruction, impedimenta, impediment, obstructer, obstructor
- 妨害, 差支え, 阻止, 障害, 邪魔, 支障, 妨碍, 差し支え
- any structure that makes progress difficult
- 進むことを困難にさせるもの
- stop, stoppage
- ストップ, 休止, 打ちきり, 打切り, 止, 止め, 阻止, 制止, 留め, 打ち切り, 打切, ブレーキ, 中絶, うち切り, 中止, 停止, 沮止
- the act of stopping something; "the third baseman made some remarkable stops"; "his stoppage of the flow resulted in a flood"
- 何かを止める行為
- prevention, bar
- 止めること, 予防, 阻止, 防止
- the act of preventing; "there was no bar against leaving"; "money was allocated to study the cause and prevention of influenza"
- 防止行為
- arrest, stop, contain, check, turn back, hold back
- 食い止める, 食い留める, 押止める, 押さえる, 食留める, 塞きとめる, 押える, 阻止, 堰き止める, 押し止める, 堰止める, 阻む, 塞き止める, くい止める, 止める, 押し留める, 抑止, 抑える, 食止める, 押留める
- hold back, as of a danger or an enemy; check the expansion or influence of; "Arrest the downward trend"; "Check the growth of communism in South East Asia"; "Contain the rebel movement"; "Turn back the tide of communism"
- 制止する、の危険のようなあるいは敵のように
- forestall, foreclose, preclude, prevent, forbid
- 押しとどめる, 防ぐ, 差止める, 押止める, 押さえる, 阻碍, 押える, 禁じる, 防遏, 封じる, 禁止, 妨げる, 禁断, 差し止める, 阻止, 阻礙, 邪魔, 押し止める, 阻む, さし止める, 禁ずる, 阻害, 押し留める, 差しとめる, 押留める, 防止
- keep from happening or arising; make impossible; "My sense of tact forbids an honest answer"; "Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project"
- 起きてしまうことまたは発生することを防ぐ
- keep, prevent
- 押しとどめる, 防ぐ, 押止める, 封じる, 妨げる, 阻止, 阻礙, 邪魔, 押し止める, 阻む, 止める, 阻害, 封ずる, 押留める, 防止
- stop (someone or something) from doing something or being in a certain state; "We must prevent the cancer from spreading"; "His snoring kept me from falling asleep"; "Keep the child from eating the marbles"
- (誰かがまたは何かが)何かすることをまたはある状態を止めさせる
- discourage, deter
- 阻止
- try to prevent; show opposition to; "We should discourage this practice among our youth"
- 防ごうとする
- blockade, stymie, hinder, block, obstruct, stymy, embarrass
- 立塞がる, 差障る, 断ち截る, 障る, 立ちはだかる, 差しさわる, 妨害, 差しつかえる, 邪魔立て, お邪魔, 断ちきる, 阻碍, 堰く, ブロック, 差支える, 封じる, 妨げる, 拒む, 截ち切る, 完封, 差し障る, 阻止, 阻礙, 途切らせる, 邪魔, 遮る, 立ちふさがる, 封鎖, 断ち切る, さし障る, 妨碍, 差し支える, 阻む, 立塞る, 御邪魔, 遮断, 阻害, 断つ, 断截る, 邪魔だて, 抑える, 沮む, 立ち塞る, 封ずる, 抑えつける, 立ち塞がる, 断切る, 沮止
- hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of; "His brother blocked him at every turn"
- 進歩か達成を妨げるか、または防ぐ
- hinder, handicap, hamper
- 差障る, 害す, 害する, 差しさわる, 妨害, 差しつかえる, 邪魔立て, お邪魔, 差支える, 妨げる, 拒む, 差し障る, 阻止, 阻礙, 邪魔, さし障る, 妨碍, 差し支える, 阻む, 御邪魔, 阻害, 邪魔だて, 沮む, 沮止
- put at a disadvantage; "The brace I have to wear is hindering my movements"
- 不利益な状態にする
- block, halt, stop, kibosh
- 食い止める, ストップ, 食い留める, 食留める, 取り止める, 打ち切る, ブロック, 防遏, 差し止める, 阻止, 止らす, 止まらす, 停める, くい止める, 止める, 停らす, 取りやめる, 食止める, 中止, 停止, 防止
- stop from happening or developing; "Block his election"; "Halt the process"
- 発生または発達を止める
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