英日字典: esteem
KK Pronunciation
〔 әˋstim 〕
〔 iˊstiːm,eˊs- 〕
The esteem has 5 Senses.
- regard, respect, esteem
- 敬畏, 尊重, 敬, 敬慕, 敬重, 敬仰, 推重, 恭敬, 敬い, 欽仰, 尊敬, 瞻仰, 畏敬, 欽慕
- the condition of being honored (esteemed or respected or well regarded); "it is held in esteem"; "a man who has earned high regard"
- ほめ称えられていること(尊敬され、尊重され、敬意を払われていること)
- esteem, admiration
- 三嘆, 尊重, 感心, 感嘆, 歎美, 称賛, 嘆賞, 歎称, 歎賞, 賞賛, 嘆美, 賞玩, 尊敬, 感歎
- a feeling of delighted approval and liking
- 喜びに満ちた賛同と好意の感情
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